chapter 23

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After a few weeks...

The Red Gem is found...

The Blue Gem is found...

The purple Gem is found...

And the last Gem...

Is the Yellow...

At wonder bolts HQ

Me and dashie went to HQ then I said.

"Should we tell the others wonder bolts that we are looking for the Yellow Gem?" I asked.

"I don't think so..." she said

"where is it exactly?" I asked.

"Well..... below the headquarters there is a hidden Underground base and I bet it's there!" she said.

"An underground base!? How cool is that!!!" I cheered and she giggled.

I followed her and she found a secret passage way to get to the underground base.

"Wow.. " I said.

"Follow me" she said then flew and I followed.

It was kinda dark...

Then when we arrived in a room it was really wide and I saw the yellow gem On a rock in between!

"well... What are you waiting for?" I asked.

"I can't...No pony else can grab it..only the Wonder bolts with The authority can! Like you! Your the Co-captain in the first Squad! You can totally grab it!" she said and I went to it..

I analyses it and it was glowing... It's very Shiny

I slowly put my hooves to grab it and I took it.

"Amazing! Can I see it?" she asked and tried to take it out of my hooves.


In twilight's Castle..

"Hmm.. It's taking them a while to get back " pinkie said.

"Be patient darling... After the four Gems are united this will be all over!"/rarity said.

"I just hope so" fluttershy said

"yea...after this mess I don't wanna see another nightmare as long as I live!" applejack said.

"GUYS GUYS!!!" Twilight yelled and ran towards us..

"What's wrong Twilight!?" fluttershy asked.

"I HAVE A BAD NEWS!!!" Twilight yelled.

"what is it?" they all asked.

"We all have been tricked!!! I was reading a book about acient stones and apperantly Combining those Gems will put more lives in danger!!!" Twilight yelled and they all gasped.



"WE HAVE TO PROTECT THOSE GEMS DON'T LET HER GRAB IT!" Twilight said and placed all the gems in a secured box and hid it in a secured place in her library.

They rushed to HQ..

Back at the cave...

I was about to give it to her but something came in my mind..

"Wait... How did you know the passage way here?" I asked.

"The book told me now let me see!" she said.

"wait.....You said this happened twice... But then... The necklace.. It all started when I gave you the cursed necklace! Queen Embra told me that it was for her revenge against ponies that doesn't explain how this problem already happened! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME! So that means.....YOUR NOT RAINBOW DASH!" I yelled.

And she looked at me surprised and smiled..

"soarin that's rediculous" she chuckled

"Now give me that Gem so we can stop this once and for all!" she said.

"No!" I yelled

"SOARIN STOP SHE'S NOT RAINBOW DASH!!" Twilight yelled when she got here with her friends..


Hey guys what's up!?

Sadly This book is gonna end soon so I thought of... Wait for it...

Book 2!

Art by me

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Art by me

So it's titled The Favorite Sister.

So... let me explain a few things..

Rainbow gives birth Twins!

One is Named Rainbolt and she stands as kinda the oldest cause she's 5 minutes older than the other...

And the little sister is (no name yet) is a bit jealous of her twin because she gets more attention than her...

Her Anger and jealousy only got worse when they got older...

Then a darkness grew inside of her...

That darkness was inside her ever since she was born... Doctors found out about it after they did some tests on her...

And more things happened!

So guys I want you to pick a name for her!

She looks like this...

Think of a good name for her!

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Think of a good name for her!

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