Chapter 26

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Im so confused but i remembered what rainbow said...I have to keep it safe...And to keep it safe i have to keep it hidden..So i kept my laid position like now...Wait

oh no..

The sack bag! I probably dropped it while running or i probably fogot to take it from dash ARRGHHH!.Im
So irresponsible dammit!!!!

I glared at her and Pinkie said

"Are you ok soarin!?"

"Was the nightmare really that bad!?" fluttershy asked

Well...To be honest...It didnt felt like it was a nightmare where you'll meet unexpected things..But instead...I...I domt know i cant like explain it...

"So...Did you like how rainbow dash cheated infront of you!?" nightmare asked

Wait what?

"Did you like how she was riding another stallion namely your very close friend Wavechill!?" nightmare said

"Uhh...That didnt happen" i told her

"What?" she asked confused

"You didnt show wave chill there" i told her strait in the eye so she will know im not lying.

"Wha- HOW!? What did you dream of!?!!" the nightmare yelled

"I dreamt the love of my life bitch!!!!" i yelled

The others were also confused about this...

I sat up and the nightmare gasped

"No" she yelled

"You have the...Dreamcatcher!?!!!" the nightmare yelled in horror and i touched the bars and the little round thing in the middle of the necklace glowed and it broke the bars in one touch

Dreamcatcher!?!!!" the nightmare yelled in horror and i touched the bars and the little round thing in the middle of the necklace glowed and it broke the bars in one touch

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The others gasped and cheered

"Noo!!" she said and tried to attack my with a blast but it was like..Blocked by something...

There was like a shield around me...

I smirked and walked towards her...

She stepped back and she said

"don't you dare.." she said

"Now I ask you nightmare...Give me back the gems...Or else...Your Worst nightmare will come true!" i shot and the others went all like



"Urghhhh" the nightmare yelled and threw me the gems...

I took them all and when i turned my head back on her she was gone..

I touched the other bars and they were all free...

"H-how in equestria..?" rarity asked in shock

"ofcourse! The dreamcatcher! The nightmare was so smart about her weakness! Its obvious that her weakness isnt one of the acient books in libraries but one of the Children books in nurseries!!! Why? Well its just like the nightmare stories every filly or colt was told, it sounded made up so they must have some story there that
Talks about dreamcatchers! And dreamcatches sounded very silly and fake but inside its the cure to this problem now!" twilight said

"That makes sense!" I said

"Where did you get that soarin?" rarity asked

"This necklace? Rainbow gave it to me in the dream..But I'm confused why when I woke up..It's still around my neck" I said

"Hmm...Then...There must've been some connection happened to the both of you while the nightmare gave you a dream" Twilight said

"Is there anymore? The dreamcatcher can protect us from any nightmare getting into our heads, what else did rainbow say to you?" Twilight asked

"Well...She told me to protect this thing and make sure I won't loose it because she said it will save us.." I said

"Clever" pinkie said

"But bad news is..I must've dropped it while running away..I'm sorry" I said

"It's fine...Let's just stay together" twilight said

I opened my wings so I could start to fly but something fell...

We looked at it and It was the sack bag!!!!

"What the hay is that, that fell?" aj asked

"Its the sack bag! Inside are more dream catchers! I thought I lost it!" I said in big relief

They each took one and I said

"I wonder how it ended up on my wings.." I said

(No one POV)


Dash! Whats happening to you!?" soarin asked her

"I...The's taking up all my energy! Its still a part of me soar...Please protect it...Imagine like
your protecting me..Trust me soarin!"
She said to her last breath.

and before she collapsed she quickly placed the sackbag inside his wing without soarin noticing

"R-Rainbow?" soarin asked and she...She wasnt breathing...he started to cry and heard laughing noises coming from other rooms...he quickly got up and ran away"

*End of flashback*

(Soarin POV)

Get ready nightmare...Cause im gonna make sure your never gonna wake up to this world ever again!

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