Chapter 28

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"Rainbow!!! Rainbow!!!" i called and rushed to her.

I held her in my hooves and when the others got in they gasped and started to cry

Then all of a sudden....

The black goo suddenly turned into a white color and transformed into butterflies and it went around the room and when it left, all damage made by the nightmare is gone.

We went outisde and equestria looked as it was before...

"Soarin?" spitfire called

"Spitfire?" i asked

"Why are you all here?" she asked

"Wait...You dont remember what happened?" i asked

"No...But...Uhh...Come to the headquarters if you can make it to practice...You looked smashed." she said and flew away.

"Is....Dash still alive?" i asked and i looked down.

"I wouldnt want to get your hopes up" i said and all of her friends gasped....

"I...I..." fluttershy said and broke down to tears...

We went back inside and everypony was awake except her...

I carried her and hugged her tight.










I then heard coughing sounds!

I can still save her!

I carried her and flew outside and told the others to meet me at the hospital Then i dashed to the ponyville hospital.

*After a few hours*

Lots of things happened to her while in the hospital.

There was surgery's and monitoring stuff i dont even know...

Anyways the others have arrived earlier and we were waiting outside her room in the hospital.

Not long before the doctor came out with the results

"Ok i need to speak with her Guardian" he said

"That's me" i said

"The others...You may visit the patient while i need to talk to you" the doctor said and they followed

"How is she doc?" i asked.

"Well first thing first.....what exactly did the patient do to get this kind of...Accident" the doctor asked


Should i say it?

"Possession" i replied

He looked at me as if he dosent believe me.

"Ok..?" he said

"Now you tell me..How is she?" i asked

"The patient is doing fine but i advice you to keep a closer eye om the patient..she could get a high trauma out of nowhere...The trauma has made her a bit weak." the doctor said

" the trauma serious?" i asked

"For now it's not" he said

"What do you mean..For now?" I asked

"The trauma has 3 stages...1.(The dizziness and confusion) 2. (panic attack and memory echoing in the head) and 3RD....(Shock and faint)" he said

I gulped and said

" where is dash in that stage?" I asked

"probably in the first stage but her safety is up to you so that's why you need a closer eye on her" the Doctor said

" are her medicines that she needs to take and the receipt for you to pay later in the counter" the Doctor said and gave me the medicine and receipt

Twilight POV

We entered the room and dash was sleeping peacefully

"Thank heavens she's alive...The team wouldn't be the same without her and her..Demanding attitude..Ahh fun times" rarity said

"You said it rarity" aj said and agreed with her

"Let's hope now that nothing will ever bother her again" I said

Rainbow POV


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