chapter 24

277 11 9

No one's POV

"urghh.... FINE! You wanna do this the hard way... Well do this the hard way!' rainbow said as she used her magic to teleport everyone in a black empty room with only one l
Bright light in the middle...

The mane 6 are trapped in each cage which is magicproof and unbreakable...

Soarin was in the middle holding the last gem..

"w-where are we?" Twilight asked
And shook her head sideways...

"in the DEATH room"

A pony said and every pony looked where the voice came from.
In the dark corners revealed a black mare with bat wings and a pair of red bloody eyes...

"why are you doing this!?" soarin asked.

"because.... I want to turn equestria into my own image! And now let's make this simple and easy... Twilight o know you have the remaining Gems
Where are they!?" nightmare asked.

"Like I'll tell you!" Twilight yelled.

Nightmare gave a not-amused face
And flew to her cage...

"ok... Wanna do this the hard way? Well... Your choice.. " Nightmare said in a calm threatening voice

"Tell me Twilight... What is your biggest fear? Or rather..
Your biggest nightmare?" nightmare asked and grinned

Twilight's eyes shrinked and she remained silent...

Nightmare grinned even more like she knew what Twilight had in mind...

"your biggest fear darling... Which is worse? Being left by your family? Or... Being left by your friends?" nightmare asked..

Twilight couldn't think of a word to say...

"ahh... I know..." nightmare said and smirked

"it's being left by both the same time
In a crime you committed" nightmare said

"NOOOO!!!" Twilight yelled

"Awe tsk.  Tsk.  Tsk.  Now give me the gems... Or else... It WILL happen... I'm not kidding.. " nightmare said

"I... I can't!" Twilight stuttered

"fine.... Have it your way" nightmare said and a fog appeared in her cage..

"TWILIGHT!!!" everyone yelled.


Twilight started to cough and when she opened her eyes she saw a vision of her worst nightmare...  equestria
In chaos and she was surrounded by every pony..
"HOW COULD YOU TWILIGHT!!" rainbow dash yelled

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU" pinkie yelled

"YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!" fluttershy yelled

"I'm disappointed in yah twiligh' " Apple Jack said with those glaring eyes..

"W-what did I do wrong!?" Twilight asked

"a crime!"

A motherly Royal voice said and there landed 3 alicorns, one captain of the Royal guard of The Crystal Empire a baby alicorn,  and 2 parents...

"what crime!?" Twilight asked in confusion

"You placed the living hell of ponies in danger!" Cadence spoke and glared at her.

"I raised you to become a good sister... But what have you done!?" Shining Armor Spoke up.

"trust me I didn't do anything!!" Twilight claimed

"LIAR!!!" every pony yelled.

"I'm disappointed in you Twilight
For the first time... I thought you would honor our family name and make us proud but no!" Velvet yelled

"Mother... Please" Twilight begged and tears formed in her eyes.

"You are no longer allowed to show yourself to us!!" Nightlight yelled.

"Dad... No! I swear! I didn't do-" Twilight was cutted of by applejack

"If you can't be honest with us then we are no longer friends!!"

"WHAT!?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight... " Celestia called in a serious tone...

Twilight looked at her and she was about to say something until...

"For years I have teached you... Guided you...cared for you...  Loved you! This is what you give me in return!? Ive never felt more betrayed in my thousand years of life!" Celestia Said

"For this you are to be put in a jail!" Luna spoked

"NOOOO PLEASE" Twilight yelled and was teleported into jail
For Billions of years...


Twilight woke up back into the cage on where she was before her nightmare came to life

She noticed tears on her cheeks and wiped it off

"Are you OK!?" pinkie asked.

"Did you like it?" nightmare said and giggled Evily

"HOW DARE YOU!!!!" Twilight yelled and nightmare smiled at her

"Did you enjoy it?" she asked

"No!!! I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT" Twilight yelled

"So... Give me the Gems.. Or... You can continue what you left behind" Nightmare said and smirked

"I... " Twilight thought...

"I'm sorry everypony" she said and teleported a small chest with the gems inside...

The nightmare laughed evily and took it

"HOW SELFISH... You really are a card aren't you?" Nightmare said and laughed...

"I'm so sorry" Twilight said to her friends

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