The yearbook

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The bells ring as you rush out the West entrance of Derry Middle school, excited to throw all your textbooks away in the first  trash can you see! School is out, but you don't really have any friends other than Beverly Marsh, which kind of ruins your reputation since people make horrible rumors about her. You walk out of class and see Bowers and his goons over by a tree near the trash can you were about to dump all your notes into. You cover your face with your hair, and look into the opposite direction from which Bowers is. You look over to see Betty Ripsoms mother standing impatiently hoping for her daughter to come out of school. It's weird that she's the only one who cares that these children are missing. You keep walking towards the trash can but are in your thoughts wondering what happened to Betty and what her mother must feel about it until you crash into someone a little taller than you, dumping their books into the trash as you stumble back.
"A-A-Are you o-o-okay?" You look up as you hear a familiar voice and smile as Bill gestures to help you up.
"Uh, ya, sorry Bill, I was distracted by B-Betty Ripsoms mom..."
You said in concern. You new Bill since you were 4, you didn't talk much but you lived right next to each other and when you were younger you would watch him ride his bike while you played with your vibrantly colored chalk.
"You think they'll ever find her?" Asked a tall boy with curly goldish hair.
You walk up to them to join with Bill for a second as another kid, around your height with dark brown hair and huge glasses said "Ya, in a ditch all decomposed covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddies moms underwear."
You weren't sure who this kid was other than his nickname 'TrashMouth' and you weren't sure who Eddie was but you assumed it was the small brown haired boy with the Fanny Pack that told him to shut up.
"(Y-Y/N) these are my friends Stan, Eddie, and of course Richie the TrashMouth. Stan and Eddie smiled and greeted you, while Richie stared at you, which made it seem like he was hypnotized or something. You waved to him, and he snapped out of it and gave you an awkward grin back. Eddie noticed this and  whispered something to Richie and Richie punched his shoulder telling him to shut up. 
"W-we s-s-should all hang out this s-summer" Bill said, his face red trying to say it without a stutter.
"Definitely, I don't -
You start to say something but Bowers comes up to you guys and Pushed Richie backwards into Stan.
"Nice Frisbee Flamer" said Patrick Hockstetter, as he threw something you couldn't make out onto a moving bus
"Give it back" you heard Stan yell.
You later realized that was Stans religious cap that he had to wear since he's Jewish.
You walk up to Bowers and glare at him.
"(Y/N) I wouldn't do that!" Eddie screamed!
You stand still for a second which confused Henry and then you stepped on his foot really hard, with your slightly healed shoes. He goes to grab his foot, and you kick him in the crotch! "I would be afraid of you but your so dumb that you've had to stay back like 2 years, so what could you possibly get through that thick scull of yours," you say, as you daringly pat the top of Henry's head.   He pushes you away from him, but you don't fall, because someone behind you catches you, it was Richie. You don't pay much attention though because you watch Patrick and Belch help Henry up as they walk away without a word.
"You did not just do that!" Stan stood in shock
"What, I can't let them hurt my new friends too, I've had to deal with their bull for years! .....Guess I got a little TrashMouth in me too," You say as you turn to Richie, and you feel kind of Happy when you look into his dark brown eyes.
You turn around and grab your open backpack as Stan Eddie and Bill walk away. You start to walk home as you get stopped by a dorky voice. "You forgetting something Ms?" You turn around to see Richie holding your yearbook with a huge grin on his face.
"Well Ma' Lady, may you grant me the honors to sign?" Jokes Richie in a horrible British accent or something.
You reach for a pen in your bag, when he pulled one from behind his back,"You dropped this too, Ms. Confident!"
You blush as he opens your year book to the first page, and looks to see that you only have Beverly Marsh's signature with two hearts at the top left corner of the page.
"I bet I can beat that," He looks at Bev's signature for reference as he signs "Richie TrashMouth Tozier" with three filled in hearts instead of two like Bev did. You smile and sign his yearbook as well, and you don't feel so bad about yourself when you see that he only has the Losers signed in his yearbook. You sign your name with 3 small hearts as well, except you add an even bigger heard around your name. Richie smiles when you put the hearts and you give him back his book.
"Stay safe," Richie says as he circles you with his bike, and heads the opposite way that you did. "You too Richie"

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