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You wake up in the morning and let your hair down and wash off your face from all the tears when you cried yourself to sleep. You put on Jean shorts and a light blue teeshirt. You grab your sneakers and head outside without your mom catching you, grab your bike and wait for Bill to come out of his house. You wait for a while and you find Richie riding to your house. He stops at the foot of your driveway and smiles. "Bill was gonna pick me up anyways so I thought I would just come to meet you guys so I could see you for longer..." he said pushing up his glasses with his finger. You smile and get up off the ground as he helps you up. "Thanks TrashMouth," You say playfully shoving him. You walk your bikes two houses over to Bills and wait for him to come out so you would sneak up behind him and scare him. About five minutes later Bill comes out with his bike, ready to pick you up. You and Richie sneak behind him and scream scaring him half to death! "W-w-what the f-f-fuck Guys! Holy shit!" He screamed as he almost tripped over his bike. You and Richie laugh and high five each other and hold hands for a second and let go. You both look down to your feet and blush after doing this, causing Bill to make jokes and remarks such as " stop fucking around l-love birds w-w-we need to pick up t-the g-guys to go  s-see what's w-wrong w-w-with Bev!" You both blush even more while you hop on your bikes and chase after Bill on his bike.  You go pick up Stan Eddie and Ben, and head over to Bev's house. You gather near her house and she sees you and runs down the stairs horrified.
" I NEED to show you something!"  She says in panic. "More then we saw at the Quarry?" Richie yells out from the back, causing you to make a weird noise from laughing with your mouth closed and smacking his arm. You two start playfully fighting as Stan turns around glaring at Richie for the joke. "Not You too?" He mouths out silently causing you nod at him and laugh. Bev said she couldn't have boys in her house, so Bill (as always) told Richie to stand there alone and wait for the rest of you. You look at how sad he looked slumping over his bike and you tell Bill your gonna stay with Richie since you knew her dad if he came back. "Oh so I see you come running back to me!" He says as you roll your eyes and sit against the brick building. He grabs his bike and walks it over to you so he could sit next to you. You sit together for a while when Stan and Eddie come down the stairs and say they will need about 20 minutes because they are going to help Bev pick it up. You both agree, as you watch them go up the stairs and you start talking again. "Wanna play a game?" Richie says nudging your shoulder making you laugh. "Sure what do you wanna play?" You ask leaning against him. "How about Truth or dare?" He says, grinning. You think nothing of it at first and start to play the game. "Truth or dare?" Richie says to you. You reply with truth and wait a moment for Richie to think of a question. "Who's your crush?" Richie says with a smirk on his face. "Uhhhmmm.... I really would rather not say....." you say with a voice crack. You start to blush and put your hands over your face and you can feel your face burning red. "You picked truth! Come on you have to tell me!" He says nudging your shoulder. He puts his head on your shoulder and whispers in your ear "I'll tell you who I like if you tell me who you like." He says as you turn to face him and use your hand to push him of your shoulder and laugh. "I'm good.. I will tell you later.... Truth or dare" he nods to your decision of telling him later and then picks dare. "I dare you to tell your crush that you like them the next time you see them!" You yell tackling him. "Even though she's too perfect for me, I'm actually gonna do it because I'm not a pussy!" He nags back in your face and you laugh. You both sit and silence for a while with your feet out, still sitting again the brick wall.
"Hey (Y/N)?" Richie asks in a serious tone... almost like he forgot you were playing the game. "Yeah Richie?" You say leaning your head against the wall tucking your legs into your arms and look at him. "I like you" He says awkwardly pushing his glasses up and putting his head down. He sits up and looks in the other direction waiting for a rejection from you. You blush and tear up a little bit, as you reach over and hug him. He turns to you and hugs you back for what seemed like a really long time. He smiled as you put your cheek on his shoulder. "I like you too Tozier!" You say laughing. "Really?!" He says in excitement. You nod your head blushing as The rest of the losers come downstairs and see both of your red faces. You both get up and laugh pretending nothing happened and grab your bikes. You look over to each other and act like nothing happened so the losers wouldn't be suspicious. You all ride away as Richie starts to make funny remarks about Bevs bathroom. "Okay trash the trash mouth I get it, hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor imagining that a sink went all Eddies mom's vagina on Halloween!" They all stop and admit that they saw something, that wasn't blood, but was their own fear. You looked confused but didn't pay much attention... your brother and clowns are your fears...
"Wait can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit???" Richie screams out while he circles back over to you. You look down awkwardly thinking it was weird that he lost his virginity which made you feel very awkward. "You aren't a virgin?" You say with a confused look. "What the fuck! Of course I am" He says. You smile relieved that he hasn't completely lost his innocence. Bill stops contradicting what Richie had said. They all admit to seeing something except for you and Richie. "I s-saw Georgie, but t-t-there w-w-as this-" "CLOWN! Yeah I saw it too..." Eddie says finishing Bills sentence looking down to his feet. Your jaw drops and you look to Richie who was looking at you. You guys were about to say something, when you saw the homeschool kid, Mikes bike on the side of the road next to Belch's car. You drop your bikes (except Stan da king of OCD) and head over to see mike being beat up on the other side of the water. Bev throws a rock at him, you look at each other and smile. "Bitchin'" (hehe fight me and if u understand then ily) You say and pick up a rock. "ROCK WARRRR" Richie yells getting hit with a rock, and getting back up laughing. Henry made a horrible remark about you before hand and for some reason Richie was really pissed off! He threw the last rock, knocking Henry to his feet. "GO BLOW YOUR DAD YOU MULETT WEARING ASSHOLE!" Richie yelled out grabbing your hand and helping you up and out of the woods.

To be continued....

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