Your not real (part 1)

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Richie's POV:
I look u at the huge house in fear. Not only am I not going in there, but I refuse to let (Y/N) in there. Bill is fucking crazy. Why can't he just accept the fact that it's summer. We're supposed to have fun. I look down at my feet and kick a nearby rock. "When are you gonna realize that we aren't going to find Georgie or Destroy that clown. We're losers remember? The only thing we're good for is getting beat up by Bowers." I mutter under my breathe while Eddie, nearby, gave a agreeing sigh in response. "Wow, he didn't stutter once," I say sarcastically after Bill makes a huge ass speech about how he's going into the crack house. We get it, you love your brother and all but he's fucking dead. "Who's with me" I hear Bill say. Nobody raises there hand except for Beverly and y/n. "Y/n you are NOT going in there. Remember what happened last time you came down this street alone?!?!" I turn her around to face me and grab her shoulders. "Richie I'm fine. don't be afraid." She turns around to follow Bill.
Here I am..
In the crack house..
Oh c'mon what was I supposed to do let her go in there alone and not be able to save her if something like her brother comes back? Or even worse..the clown.
                                 Y/n POV
"You guys are lucky we weren't measuring dicks." I roll my eyes and chuckle, not turning around to face Richie. Bev didn't end up going. Richie, Eddie, and I got the short draw. I wanted to help Bill anyways, but I can tell Richie is scared shitless. He's just good at hiding it. Light is streaming through the front door. I walk into a side room with Richie. Fuck. Richie goes up to a piece of paper and picks it up to read it. His hands start shaking. "What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK!" He starts screaming, turning Eddie and Bills attention towards us. "RICHIE CALM DOWN!" I say grabbing his shoulder. "CALM DOWN??? THIS IS ME. MY NAME, MY AGE, MY BIRTHDAY! THATS ME!" He says turning the missing poster around in your face. "It's fake. D-d-don't let I-it get to your h-head" Bill says trying to snap Richie out of it.

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