The scratch

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You wake up to your mom yelling at someone on the phone downstairs. You stand up and slip on a huge puddle of water, catching yourself before you fall. That's weird, there wasn't any rain last night was there? You shook thoughts out of your head and put on a navy blue tank top, a black shorts. You throw on some converse and wait for your mom to go back in her room while letting your hair down. You have to go over to Bills house since he was doing something with a projector in the garage and asked you to come because it was something about IT. You call Bill. "Hey Bill I'm not sure when I will be able to get out of the house! My moms downstairs."
You say while biting our nails at his response. "J-j-just  run! We n-n-need  you h-here!" Bill says trying to seem as considerate as possible. You agree to it, and start to head out. If you could take on your brother you could take on your mother. You start to run down the stairs and out the front door, when your mom catches you! "Stop right there you little bitch!" She says pulling your hair. She puts out her cigarette and throws it at you. Your jaw drops. "But mom!" You start to say when she hits you. The next thing you did was the worst thing you could have done. You hit her back! You burst through the door, and this time your mom crossed the line. She took her hand and dug all of her acrylic nails into the back of your arm near your shoulder. You instantly start bleeding and have to run to Bills house. You mom yells at you and you run to the garage to see that the losers were already there. You start crying as everyone listens to your mom screaming from a few houses down. You reach to your back, and your whole hand is covered in blood, so is your whole back. You start to cry and Richie and the others freak out. "HOLY SHIT BILL GET SOME FUCKING SUPPLIES SHE BLEEDING!" Richie yells as he gestures the others to get it. He sits you down in a chair as you start to get light headed. "Don't speak... don't worry you will be ok! Eddie will fix you up. You nod and gasp for air. You rock back and forth to the burning pain of the cuts in your skin. Eddie runs back in with left over supplies from Ben and he starts to patch you up. "What the—-HOLY SHIT!" Eddie murmurs under his breath. He grabs some stuff and starts to apply it to you. "What's wrong" Stan said being the first to speak up why he had freaked out. Eddie looked back to Stan and pointed out you arm, where your mom had dug into your skin and dragged her hand all the way down to a certain point. You start to cry and you become dizzy. "HELP HER!" Richie yells at Eddie. He fixes the wound and turns you around to face everyone. "W-w-was it the c-clown?" Bill asked trying not to startle you. You looked to Bev and started to cry and she automatically knew who it was. "Are you Okay? I never thought your mom would go this far!" She screams and comes to hug you.  You then hug Richie and burrow your face into his shoulder. He hugs you back and the others stare in shock that Richie didn't make one single joke. He really loves you

Yo guys I'm backkkkkk! Again I have midterms if you don't already know! I'm trying to write as much as possible. The projector scene is next so get ready boiiiiii! Luv ya guys

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