We'll be ok

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After sneaking in without your mom catching you last night, you fall asleep for what feels like forever, until you hear something at your window. You look outside, right as a small rock hits your window and you look at to see Richie and the guys outside waving at you. You completely forgot that you were going to the Quarry, and you tell them to hang on while you get dressed. You put on a laced dark blue dress, and fix your hair into a high pony tail. You rush outside without your mom noticing and grab your bike. "You look really pretty..." Richie says as all the guys staring back at him shocked that he said something NOT trashy for once!
"Y-you r-r-ready (Y-Y/N)?" Bill asks. You nod your head and ride off with them, staying behind Bill alongside Richie. You all start to turn onto Neibolt Street, where you hesitantly look to Richie,as his face grows sad and he stops. "Guys, can we take the long way?" Richie says looking at you, and not mentioning what you say. You mouth out thank you to him, and he grins back at you pushing up his huge glasses. "R-R-Richie! Don't be a dumbass! This is the quickest way. Come on..." Stan says as they all start to ride again. "I'm sorry. Im here, We'll be ok..." Richie says grabbing your hand and looking at you as if he did something wrong. You smile as you both start to catch up with the other losers again. Soon enough you reach the Quarry after making a bunch of your mom jokes to Eddie, even making him laugh a few times. You turn into the woods and walk down a path that leads you to a huge cliff. The boys awkwardly undress in front of you, leaving them in their underwear. "I'm guessing you forgot to mention something to me?" You Said teasingly as The Guys stare at you awkwardly. "I-I-I'm so s-sorry (Y/N). You laugh at Bill and unzip your dress while the boys just stare feeling really guilty like they put you in this position by accident. You all turn to the cliff and look down "Who's going first," Ben says as you hear a familiar voice behind you. Bev comes up and jumps off the cliff as you all stare. Ben and Bill go first, then Stan hesitates, and Richie pushes him. You Richie and Eddie are left up there, and you turn to Richie. "I'm scared! What if we get hurt! For all we know, all that's down there is rocks! It could be really shallow!" You whisper to Richie having an anxiety attack. He grabs your hand. "(Y/N) Remember! I'm here! We'll be OKAY" you smile and you both jump in holding hands. You let go when you almost reach the bottom. You burst up out of the water and the others (Eddie jumped in too) started splashing you. You turn to see that Richie isn't there and you start screaming. "Guys WHERES Richie!!!!!" They all look to you as you look worried, seeing if he's nearby. You scream as someone grabs your in their arms, holding you. You turn to see Richie as you playfully punch him. "YOU SCARED ME I THOUGHT YOU WERE HURT!" You say grabbing his face and letting go to hug him. You two sit like that for a while and talk while the others just stare. "I guess she likes him back." Eddie says. "That's good for Richie maybe he'll stop being a TrashMouth." Says Stan, as you turn to everyone to catch them staring at you two. Richie puts you down as you two stare blankly at the losers. Then all of a sudden they start splashing you. You guys play around and have a chicken fight. You go on Richies shoulders, and knock Eddie off of Bev. You all play around in the water until you get bored and end up going back up to the cliff and listening to music. You and Bev lay down and you both whisper to each other because you feel that the guys are looking at you. In the corner of your eyes you see All the guys looking at you both. Bill and Ben were focused of Bev, but you caught Richie lookin at YOU. You both turn around to see them turn away and you all start talking about the History of Derry when Richie takes a folder out of Bens bag. Bev sits next to Bill to see, while you sit next to Richie, where you accidentally place your hand on his, making you both blush. But you don't More your hands. You both just stay and listen to Ben talk. You all ride back to Bens house later since Bill was so interested with all the disappearances of children. You and Richie stay behind on your bikes , since you don't really care, and you don't really want to go in, but you did anyways because you didn't wanna seem rude. You Richie and Eddie stand quietly in a corner looking at pictures, when Beverly closes Bens door to show a New kids on the block poster. You and Bev laugh, as Ben asks her to close it so they guys won't see. Everyone talks about the history while you stand by and listen. "The problems occur over a certain spans of years, which I think is around every 27 years, except for... well... Tyler (last name)...." Ben says with his head down trying not to make eye contact. "That wasn't really a massacre though, it was more of just a really huge crime." Ben says trying to make it sound better. It didn't help at all. Your eyes tear up as you think of your dad, chocking back your tears. Richie turns to you to make sure your not crying, and wraps his arm subtly around your shoulder. You later forget that Ben said anything when you all leave. "Richie?" You say before he gets on his bike and heads away. "Yeah?" He says circling his bike back over to you. "Can you bring me home again please?" You say with puppy dog eyes as he smiles and laughs. "I've been waiting a few minutes for that question señorita!" He says in the weird Spanish accent again. You both ride off making jokes, and laughing about things together, until you reach home. "Bye Richie" you smile as he waves and Rides off.  You turn to go inside when you see a Red balloon, next to a tiny gift box on your porch. You go over to it and open it, and see your favorite bracelet that our dad gave you when your were 5, torn apart, with s note saying Your worthless! Give up and float with us. You run inside the house quietly locking yourself in your bathroom crying. Your mom is asleep and your just about done right now. But Richie... you stop and think about how much he means to you. You get under your covers and start crying when you get a call from Richie. "Hey (Y/N)" Richie says. You sniffle on the other line and he asks you what's wrong. "I'll show you tomorrow," You say back. He agrees and goes on to tell you that you can show the losers tomorrow since Bev insisted that you go to her house tomorrow. "Bill told me, and I asked if I could call you and tell you we were going to her house tomorrow. You smile on the other end thinking this was cute, but it probably means nothing. Your worthless anyways. That's what people think.... You talk to Richie a little more and hang up afterwards. You cry yourself to sleep holding the gift box that was given to you, with all your memories of your dad shredded to pieces.
To be continued..,.

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