When fear Kicks in

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You take a shortcut which is right down the street from your house. You turn the corner towards Neibolt Street, heading towards the intersection with Jackson. You peddle faster once you get past 29 Neibolt Street, which always horrifies you when you ride by it. You look down, and when you think you get past it you turn your head upwards again. All of a sudden you crash and go towards falling off your bike. You see your 17 year old Brother Tyler standing in the middle of the road. You scoot backwards as your brother who you thought was in prison comes towards you. You look down at your ankle, which was twisted during the bike accident. "What do you want from me," you cried. Your brother walks towards you with a huge grin on his face.
"I want you to feel my pain, I want you to float!" He said in anger. How did he get out of prison after he touched you, killed your father, and tried to kill the rest of your family. Your brother is your one fear, other than clowns...
"Get away from me you psycho!" You scream as you back away crying. You fingers grab hold of your bike and you get up and ride away. You don't look back until the end of Neibolt, where you see a clown creepily waving at you while you ride off. You ride home crying and  drop your bike at your front door as you run into your mother. "What on Earth is wrong with you,. You spoiled Brat!" You mom screamed in your face. She dug her acrylic nails into your lower arm, causing you to bleed, and she smacked you telling you to go lock yourself in your room and starve.
Your mom was always mean, but since Dad died, your older sister Lilly took her life, and Tyler was put in jail, she was left with you, and of course you were always the un favorite, except to your dad. You lay on your bed pressing a wet towel against your scratched arm and briefly cried thinking about how much you missed riding bikes and playing games with your Dad. You were always his favorite and the only reason he stayed with your mom was so he didn't have to leave you with her alone, and so he could see you all the time.

TrashMouth/ Richie Tozier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now