The fight

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Sorry guys I don't use wattpad anymore🥺 a lot of stuffs happened with new friends and a boyfriends and a lots changed over the past almost2 years but loaded back in and there's still a lot of people telling me to update this so I tried my best even tho I had to go back and reread to keep up with my own story Here you go!❤️ thanks sm for 7k reads
"GET AWAY FROM HER" I hear a familiar echoey voice as a begin to wake up. My eyes flutter open and I put my hand over my head, collapsing back to the ground due to pain and dizziness. I feel an arm wrap around me.
"What's happening" I panicked, still with my eyes closed to prevent any more headache.
"You're ok. We're gonna get out of here ok?" Was all I got as a response before he rushed out of the room and back to the room with all the commotion. I take a minute to slowly regain my vision without the dizziness before turning to see a figure next to me. I don't remember what happened once we walked into this house but I know it wasn't good..
"Eddie???" I move besides the boy who's arm is now out of place. He didn't say anything which isn't like him. His eyes are stuck focusing downwards and his mouth is open I'm shock. I look down and he's staring at his arm which is completely broken and distorted.
"What the fuck happened???" I look back up and shake his shoulder, trying to keep him with me and look for a response. I manage to get him out of his daze and look at me but before he can respond I hear loud screams from the other room. I jump up and rush to the doorway next to use to see a figure disappear further into the house and everyone rushing to Bens aid who now has a giant slash reared through his skin. Richie backs away from the group and turns to me, both of us looking mortified. I don't think I've ever seen him this scared. He runs up to me and hugs me, nonstop asking if I'm ok. I nod my head but walk back to the room to get eddie and get the fuck out of there. As we walk out with the rest of the group I see a familiar car and a woman's voice. Eddie freezes.
"Mrs. Kaspbrack please! It's not our fault I-"
I see beverlys arm get pushed off of Mrs. Kaspbrack as she rushes towards Richie, Eddie and I. I can't think much but I walk closer to the rest of the group while they argue with her and she passes a few insults before speeding away with Eddie in the passengers seat. I watch the boys and Bev walk out into the middle of the street behind the car. I sit down on the grass, grabbing my knees as the ringing in my ears gets louder to the point where the bickering between the group become nothing but a faint echoing noise. I start to tear up as I remember what happened. What happened when we walked in the house. What happened when we walked up the stairs. What happened when I tried to save Eddie. What happened right before I fainted.
"Y/n!" I jump and come back to reality. Everyone's looking at me.
"Are you with us?" Bev says with a disappointed look on her face. I look at her with confusion of my face but I don't have the energy to even ask what she means. I'm so lost.
"We need to stop IT. Are you with us or are you gonna bail too?" I look back down, not wanting to disappoint anyone. But after what happened I don't know if I can go back in there. If I can confront it again. I look away from the group, not responding but feeling their eyes dig into the side of my head. I start to tear up again.
"She's not going to help. Look at her! She's fucking traumatized. You guys are fucking crazy! It's not safe I'm not letting y/n get hurt!" I hear Richie scream. I look over to see him now arguing with Bill. They throw a few insults before I hear
"Georgie is dead!!!" And all hell broke loose. The boys go at each other and Ben, Bev and Stan hold them back. They start yelling my name. Telling me to help them. Telling me to choose sides. The ringing noise gets louder and louder and before I can breakdown in front of them I run off. Down the street and back to my house. Ignoring my mother and everything, I run to my room and slam the door and just sink in my bed wishing everything and everyone would just disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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