Do you believe me?

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You ride Ben back to his house just in case something happened and everyone went their separate ways except you and Richie. He decides to go along with you while you take the long way home. You ride in silence for a few seconds. "Please tell me what happened to your arm...." Richie pleaded.
"It's hard to explain but... I'll be able to someday." You fake a smile and look into his magnified eyes. You turn past Neibolt.
"I think your going the wrong turn." Richie said.
"Nope I refuse to go that way after.... hey Richie have you seen anything weird lately," You say trying not to explain how you say your brother any why you don't wanna take Neibolt Street home without sounding completely crazy. "Depends, does Bowers count?" He says not knowing you were serious.
"No but seriously. You might think I'm crazy... but I saw something."
"Well what did you see. You can tell me anything."
"You know my brother...Tyler...right?" Richie nods slowly as things take a dark turn. "I was riding my bike home from Neibolt yesterday when I saw my brother in the middle of the road causing me to fall face first off my bike after not paying attention. He walked towards me saying weird stuff like 'you should feel my pain and it's your turn to float' or something like that... I managed to grab my bike, and when I reached the end of Neibolt I turned to look, and I saw a clown standing where my brother had been, and he was just waving... I hate my brother... but I also really hate clowns" you said hoping that He doesn't thing your crazy. "Me too... I hate clowns too... but I haven't seen anything yet....I trust you though" Richie says in awe. You turn the corner and arrive at your street. "Promise me you'll be careful Richie!" You say in a serious but silly tone.
"Anything for you my dear, and to you as well" Richie says in another stupid accent. You watch him out your front door till he leaves all the way while you smile

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