Chapter 14(prt2/3)

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My heart was raising a mile a minute,I didn't know what could have happen. Have some weak niggas came after her Cuz some shit that I did?. Is she half dead? Could i have saved her was that the reason she kept calling me? These are then thought that went throug my mind when I got that text from Alicia.

As I douged in and out of traffic I got more and more nervous my hands were getting sweaty, My eye twitching, it was getting hot. I rolled down the windows letting the nice cool breeze into the car.

I got off the exit and headed towards the hospital.



I was watching Kayla play with my son when I had a weird feeling. Fuck no my best friend senses are tingling.

I got out my phone and called Hakeem. *ring ring ring* . No answer. The fuck is going on i started getting hot and my palm was sweaty.

"I'm step out for a minute to get some air." I told my babies. They nodded and I walked outside letting the cool Atlanta air hitting my body.

Shoot yo boy was getting woozy as hell.

I took a seat and and took death breaks when I notice a black car parking around the curb from my house. The same car has been following me but I didn't pay any attention till when they followed me to my sons school.

I got out my phone and hit up my nigga Rye to see what he found out on this shit.

"Yeah man I ain't found shit I even tracked the number and everything nothing came up but a man that's been dead before we was even alive.

"iight guess I'm have to take care this shit my self aye though send a car over to my house" I said.

"iight cool see you in 32" he said in code.

I hung up and went around to the side the house and got the killer nmy number 1 gun out the flower pot in tucked it in behind my shirt and walked out towards the street.

Now or never.


"Baby I hope you feel better" I said as I rubbed Jasmine forehead. My baby was laying in the hospital bed with high blood pressure. I felt bad not only for her but the baby .

I was ferious because I know her bitch as baby daddy was probably the cause of this. I kissed her forehead and step out the room to make a phone call.

"Yeah I need you to take care of it now" I kinda yelled into the phone . I could feel my blood start to boil and I could feel my temper losing control.

"Nigga I'm not asking I'm telling you don't have it done by tomorrow night  and see what's going to happen".

With that I hung up the phone and made my way to the bathroom.


"I need the room number for Jasmine Ramsey" I told the old lady at the front desk. She kinda looked like marge from monsters ink.

"Sorry sir but only family is allowed to see her right now" . "I'm her boyfriend " I lied. "Well sir she in room 306 on the third floor.

I nodded and made my way to the elevator  I pushed the bottom and headed up. I looked around it felt like the walls was closing in. My head was pounding amd  palms was sweaty again. I took deep breath making my breaths constant.

*Ding* the elavator door open.

I stepped out and found jasmine door when I walked in I seem Alica sitting down with her face in her hands. How the fuck she get in here but I couldn't.

"How is she" I asked causing her to jump a little. "good " she said not looking up.  "What's wrong is everything OK" I asked stepping closer to her. "Everything is fine I already told you". "No I mean with you" I said.

"Yes everything is fine" she said rolling her eyes. I'm tired of people not telling me shit.

I got out my phone and called snoop and told him to come down.

"Alright" I said leaving it alone for now.

I went over to Jasmine and watching as her chest went up and down at least she breathing.  I took a seat in the chair next to the bed and breath in and out slowly.

"damn the fuck is wrong with you, you look like you on the powder" Alicia spoke. I looked up, and  mugged her. I went over to the mirror on the wall I almost didn't know who I was, My face looked like spongebob close up when he ain't had no sleep.

The fuck is wrong with his face .  I left out the room and found a nurse she almost screamed at the sight of me. "We have a 316" she yelled and doctors came rushing. What the hell going on.

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