We know what we did last summer | Part 1

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The summer break was finally over. It went way to fast. My summer was not as usual because Riley was away with her family. So I was alone. Well not really because Farkle and Lucas were there. So we spent most of the time together. It wasn't that bad they were tolerable. And hanging out with Lucas was actually really fun because he wasn't the moral compass all the time. We got really close but I knew that it will change when Riley is back. But I didn't care because I was used to it. I was alone at home watching supernatural. And then I got a text from Lucas.
Lucas: Hey Blondie, wanna hangout @ my place?
Maya: Not really friar. By the way call me Blondie once again and you’’ll be dead.
Lucas: oh come on pls  I am bored and I’ll bring pizza and a movie.

Maya: OK *eyes rolling* fine come to my house and don't forget the pizza!

Lucas:  I WON'T!

I was waiting for huckleberry to show up. 15 minutes Later I heard someone knocking on my window. I went to open it and saw Lucas. He was smiling like a 5 years old boy. Damn his eyes. They were so green. I opened the window and smiled at him. We looked deep into each others eyes. His green eyes were so mesmerizing and intense, as if he's staring deep inside of you, straight to your soul.

Lucas POV

Oh my gosh her smile is so beautiful. Those ocean blue eyes, they are pretty powerful. Her eyes gave me chills. I could spend rest of my life by just staring at her.
Few seconds later, we broke our moment and Maya let me in. Our silence filled her room. I cleared my throat to break the silence.

“ So, what are we gonna watch?” 
    Maya asked.

“I brought American Horror story and longest ride. I know those are your favorites.” I said smirking at her.

“Oh you know me so well Ranger Rick.” Maya said while blushing.

Oh wait did I just made Maya Hart blush. She looks so cute when she blushes.

Maya POV

OMG did I just blush?! It’s so embarrassing! I really hope that Lucas didn't notice it.
Few minutes later we were sitting in the couch, watching AHS and eating Pizza. Unintentionally I grabbed Lucas hand when it got really scary. Later I realized that I was holding his hand and let it go. He looked at me and chuckled. He looks so cute. I shook my head by that thought. Finally, the movie was over and then I noticed Lucas and I were cuddling this entire time. It was nice to feel his warmth. I wish we could stay like this forever and then I snapped out our my thoughts. I can’t think of him like that! We are just friends and most importantly he is Riley's crush. I can't to this to her. I stood up from the couch just when Lucas pulled me back to the couch.


I pulled Maya back to the couch and looked into her beautiful eyes. I don't know what came over me. I cupped her face and kissed her. Her lips were so soft and perfectly made for my lips. I could hear my heartbeat going crazy. And so Maya kissed me back. I can’t believe it Maya is actually kissing me back!! Maya pulled me back. Our first kiss was full of sparks. She was smiling at me but she also looked shocked. We both took few seconds to process the kiss. It was the best kiss ever. I want to taste her lips again and I really hope that Maya felt the same way.

hola guys,

I really hope that you guys liked this CHAPTER :) I will update part 2 soon.

Sorry if they are any grammar mistakes and feel free to leave suggestions.

Xoxo - T

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