Only Son

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The air felt humid as Namjoon stepped out of his cabin early in the early morning. Just like any other day he was awake before the whole pack. He had grown up watching his father doing the impossible for their pack and he had declared as a young boy to become just as strong as his father. He wanted to be respected and loved by the members of his pack. He believed he could demonstrate his capabilities through determination and hark work.

Small beads of sweat started forming on his skin as he walked through the trees. The large stack of fire wood they had collected the night before was coming into view. The ax was resting on top of a neatly set pile of wood from the day before. The end of the summer days always seemed to be the hottest. He could feel himself starting to sweat from his short trek to cut more wood.  The streams of light peaking through the trees kissed his skin as he took off his shirt. Beads of sweat began trickling down his neck, sliding down his exposed chest. The ax cut through the wood easily, small splinters flew through the air as he swung powerfully. 

By the time he was halfway done with the stack, he could already feel how tired he was becoming from the rising temperatures. His muscles were beginning to ache and he was glistening in sweat. A small snap made him look up and he saw an omega, a girl, make his way towards him with timid eyes. She avoided looking directly at him and shyly held out a small towel for him. Namjoon, trying not to look arrogant, grabbed it from her hands and walked away. He was used to this type of behavior quite a lot. After he came of age all the omegas in the pack directed their interest to him. Not because he was the most attractive alpha in the pack, or because he was a good hunter. No, it was because he was the only son of the pack alpha. 

All the omegas started to approach him, with flirty smile and fluttering lashes. Or daring grazes along his arms when he made an appearance on the occasional bonfires. He knew they weren't really interested in him, they were interested in becoming the top omega. To be the mate of the pack alpha and the Luna of the pack. The role held so much power, and all omegas were after that title. 

And that is why he was always working hard to show the rest of the pack that he was suitable to take after his father. Because the title of pack alpha was important and held so much authority. He worked on his hunting, his fighting, and his knowledge. He had grown used to not being interested in omegas. Not that they were unattractive or ugly but because none of the scents appealed to him. Whenever his father dragged him to bond with the pack he always felt uncomfortable with the omegas surrounding him as soon as he showed up. Their scents made his nose go numb and he felt like he could lose his sense of smell.

He wiped off the sweat from his chest and neck before putting his shirt back on. Instead of heading back to his cabin he went towards the hunting station. All the alphas who had early hunting shifts were already arriving and he hurried over to greet a few of them. He didn't have an early shift but he avoided the camp knowing he would run into omegas who offered him breakfast, gifts and small talk. He would much rather tire himself out hunting all day than having to pretend like he likes smoked deer in the morning, or that the new coat he was given was to his liking. More than that he hated small talk, solely because only a few awkward words were exchanged in the span of an hour.

"I didn't know you had a shift this morning." Jaeho yawns as he approaches the group.

"I do now." Namjoon shrugs lightly, he knew exactly where this conversation was headed.

"Don't tell me you're scared of the omegas who want something with you." 

"I am not, I just don't feel like messing up a perfectly good day." 

The alphas around him chuckled and he joins in on the laughing and teasing. After the last alpha who seemed to have overslept appeared they all removed their clothing before shifting. Namjoon's bones cracked and readjusted quickly. A dark brown coat covered his body, and he barked out at the alphas who were awaiting directions. Namjoon was the first to run into the forest, his paws hit the ground powerfully as he quickened his pace. He was quite far out ahead of the rest so he sniffed the air, scouting out a prey. He could sense game in all directions and he was in the process of choosing in which direction to go when he clashed with someone and tumbled forward.

A fallen tree stopped him from rolling any further and he whined loudly as gained his footing. A sandy tan colored wolf was shaking off dirt in front of him and when their eyes met they both glared at each other. He couldn't believe the other wolf was staring his down as if he had purposefully planned to run into him. Namjoon bared his teeth slightly but the scent emitting from the other wolf sent him in a trance as soon as he smelled it. The smell was incredibly sweet and inviting, it was the first scent that his wolf approved of. His eyes widened when he noticed the other wolf was an omega, and he shook his head to stop himself from liking the scent any further.

When he looked back up the wolf was gone, only the distant ruffling of the bushes was heard but he didn't bother following. He ignored his senses and instead regained his focus on hunting. He turned away and began running, he couldn't let himself get distracted.

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