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Namjoon seemed to be looking for the scent of a single flower. It had been only a day since he walked Jin home that night, and the morning after he couldn't stop himself from sniffing out a certain scent that was clouding his mind. Like always he saw a few omegas waiting by the sidelines of the trees that broke out into the forest. They all seemed to have been waiting for him and he made sure to hurry away before he was forced to stop and converse with them. He looked down as he prepared, he was slightly disappointed but he knew it would be too hopeful to think a certain omega would be there. It wasn't like he had high expectations of it happening, but a small part of him wanted to see Jin there that morning. The night before had been the only time the two had been civilized in each other's presence.

He managed to stay focused while hunting, taking down two boars and a small elk. After returning to camp he followed a few other alphas to the river, there was blood dripping from his chin and stains on his chest. Namjoon washed quickly and changed. Omegas often came by, jumping in the water and slithering up to alphas. He was not in the mood to be cornered where he didn't have much room to escape quick enough. He slipped his hands in his pockets and walked through the trees, they were beginning to lose their bright shades of greens. A few more days and the beginning of fall would begin to peek through.

The quiet was enjoyable, and the wind was more consistent now that summer was at its last days. He shivered slightly when a new breeze of air rushed through him but he stopped. He perked up when a familiar scent caught his attention, wrapping around him like a cloud. It was so intoxicating, he felt like he was rolling in a field of hydrangeas. He couldn't stop himself from looking around anxiously, his eyes searching almost desperately for the source of the scent. The snap of a twig made the hairs on his nape stand in alert and he turned slightly to see Seokjin peeking out from a large tree behind him.

The omega's eyes widened when they met Namjoon's and he pulled back to hide from him. The alpha felt amused, his wolf preening mischievously. He faced forward and continued walking, his ears listening earnestly for any movement behind him. He wanted to hear the other following after him but he stopped when it was too silent. He turned back and watched the same tree for any movement but someone else caught his eye.

Seokjin was pressed up against the tree, his eyes warningly watching the alpha that had snuck up behind him. He was so busy looking at Namjoon that he didn't notice the foreign scent approaching him. He recognized the alpha from his pack, he was one of the few consistent alphas that always approached him more often during this season. It was only a matter of time before he started receiving gifts or suggestive invites to go on walks. Haewon, the alpha in question, was two years older than he was. He had a smile on his face as he held out a bouquet of flowers in his direction.

"I've been looking for you all day. I went to the kitchen this morning but they told me you were sent out to collect herbs for the day." Haewon smiled shyly and stepped closer into his space.

Seokjin smiled awkwardly, he had always avoided being alone with alphas but this time it would be harder to get away without having to promise something. He was too busy trying to think of an escape that he had forgotten why he ended up in that situation. Until he let out a gasp and looked around for the smell that was driving him crazy for some reason. He found that Namjoon's scent was comforting, and wanted it to cling to him. It was absurd that he was thinking that way but he couldn't help it. After last night he dreamed of a certain alpha holding his hand, he had to physically slap himself to snap out of it and get some proper sleep.

Namjoon stood beside him, his shoulders squared and his jaw fixed firmly. Haewon immediately looked down, and stepped away. He obviously felt threatened by Namjoon's demeanor and it seemed he didn't have the guts to challenge him. Namjoon naturally carried a musky scent but it was twisted with dominance. It's the scent a powerful pack alpha is born with. Haewon slightly cowers under Namjoon's fixed glare, even Seokjin has the urge to look down and submit but he forces himself not to.

"We should hurry and finish looking for herbs."

Seokjin takes a second to figure out he's talking to him and he nods slowly, leaving without acknowledging the other alpha. Haewon watches with wide eyes as Seokjin walks ahead of Namjoon. He had heard the rumors but he figured Seokjin was different from the other omegas who thirsted after the future pack alpha. He threw the flowers to the ground and turned away with a huff. He was hit with such annoyance that he stormed off without looking back.

"Why were you following me?" Namjoon breaks the silence when Seokjin stops and kneels down in front of a patch full of dill.

"I didn't mean to, but you walked right past me without saying hello. I thought there might be something wrong." Seokjin answers as he begins to pull at the plant carefully.

Namjoon smiles satisfied with his answer but keeps himself in check. He watches the omega carefully pick a decent amount of dill, tying it with a short strand of twine. Seokjin stands back up and faces him, his hands holding out the basket and Namjoon doesn't hesitate to take it. Namjoon coughs as he follows Seokjin, he wasn't even sure why he was carrying the basket in the first place. But he didn't complain when the other stopped to pick up another bundle, this time mint and placed it in the basket.

It felt different, something that should only happen between a pair of wolves that are seeing each other. Seokjin didn't ignore the way the alpha complied so easily, walking behind him as he searched for more herbs. He was still slightly surprised he was carrying the basket, it's not something most alphas want to be seen doing. Trudging behind an omega while carrying their things will make any alpha look submissive. It would be a lie to say he wasn't enjoying this more than he should be.

"That he courting you?"

Seokjin tenses from the sudden question and turns to look at Namjoon. The alpha is looking away while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He's not sure what to answer but a playful smile makes way, and Seokjin crosses his arms over his chest and shrugs.

"Maybe? Courting season is right around the corner. Besides, Haewon isn't the only one who tries to court me every year."

Namjoon drops the basket, his eyes turning dark as he looks directly into the others' eyes. Seokjin gulps nervously, cautiously taking a step back as if preparing himself to run. He could smell Namjoon's scent growing stronger, intoxicating him in a trance. He stands still as the alpha takes slow steps towards him. He felt the air stuck in his throat, and could almost taste the alphas scent on his tongue. The space between them was becoming less and Seokjin felt as if he was submerged into the flowing spring water. The cedar was burning into his nose, he didn't want to breathe in too much.

"Are there many more?" Namjoon finally says something.

"What?" Seokjin asks nervously, he could feel the sweat forming in his palms. He tries not to cower too much and keeps his head up, looking back into Namjoons eyes.

"I need to know who I'm up against to win your heart." Namjoon smirks, confident that his words were meant to be laced with truth rather than a mere taunt.

Seokjin's mouth opens but no words manage to make it out. The chirping of the birds seemed to dim away, his heart was beating too fast. In a swift move Namjoon stepped away and grabbed the bundle of rosemary from Seokjin's hand. He noticed how hard he was holding onto the herb, it looked like he stepped on it before plucking them out of the ground.

Namjoon picked the basket up and turned back to Seokjin. With a small smile he nodded at him to follow. Seokjin took in a deep breath, his lungs desperate to get as much air in as possible. He tried to ignore the words all the way back, and pulled the basket away from Namjoon when they broke through the trees. He didn't look back, but he could feel the way Namjoons eyes trailed after him as he made his way to the kitchen

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