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Seokjin paced back and forth in his room. He could see that his roommate was starting to get annoyed with him pacing in front of him for the thousandth time in the span of a few minutes. But he couldn't stop himself from fretting, hands feeling clammy as he looked out the window every so often to check if Wooyoung was coming or not. A small part of him hoped that dinner would get cancelled one way or another. There was something about it that made his stomach churn, almost as if something bad would come out of it. He had already been grieving about what he should be giving to Wooyoung. Clothing items was an understatement, and there wasn't anything as close as what he had given to Namjoon that he could offer.

When a slight knock to the door to his bedroom resonated again he began to panic. He knew it was probably Wooyoung asking for him to come down. But he felt like his feet were too heavy to function. He checked himself in the mirror one more time before taking a deep breath and walking out. Wooyoung was smiling at him, eyes finding his almost instantly when he walked out. Seokjin averted his eyes, smiling kindly as he walked to him and waited for the alpha to start heading to the cabin he was staying in. It was a guest home, close to the kitchens and far from any other pack homes.

"You look beautiful. Thank you for agreeing to come." Wooyoung mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he looks around.

Seokjin couldn't say much, only mumbling a small 'thank you' before keeping silent again. His eyes scanned the area, there were only a few people out. A few alphas were cutting wood, while some kids played with the fireflies that had begun to light up. There was a small puff of smoke coming out of the chimney to Wooyoung's place. The night had become more cold as the days passed, the fireplace had been kept alight in almost every home. As soon as they approached the steps leading up to the house, the door opened. Wooyoung's mother walked out, a wide smile on her face as she came down to greet him. It took him a bit by surprise when she hugged him and tugged on his arm to lead him inside.

"It's warm in here hun, you're probably freezing out there. Please call me Misoo." She went on as she led him to the living room and sat him down on the couch.

"My father is bringing in more wood. Dinner will be served by the time he comes back, so please make yourself at home." Wooyoung smiles at him as he motions around awkwardly.

"I'll help your mother in the kitchen." He says quickly, standing and walking away before he could get a proper answer.

Misoo smiles at him, she was stirring a boiling pot on the stove. He couldn't find a way to start the conversation so he just watched her. It seemed like she didn't mind either, once in a while asking him to try a few things. When the back door opened, heavy footsteps made him shudder. He pulled a few plates from the shelf as Wooyoung's father walked in. He stared at him for a few seconds before walking to Misoo and kissing her cheek.

"Please call me Woosung. Why don't we settle down for dinner now."

Seokjin couldn't shake the feeling that his lingering glare was cold, he wasn't as nice as he was when they first met. Behind his eyes there was something dangerous waiting to lash out and it made him nervous. He didn't know why, but he was more careful of his every more. Wooyoung probably picked up on how stiff he was, but he avoided looking him in the eye until they were seated at the table. Dinner was uneventful, the conversation going in different directions. They started off asking him about his childhood, and it ended with Wooyoung proudly telling the story of his last hunt. Seokjin tried to look interested, reacting more than usual and smiling at him when he turned to look at him. Throughout dinner Seokjin noticed the way Wooyoung's father glanced at him, looking at his every move.

Wooyoung set a cup of coffee in front of him, the steam rising until the smell wrapped around him. The alpha took a seat next to him, smiling at him as he stirred some milk into his coffee. Woosung cleared his throat, taking a sip of his drink before setting the cup down and straightening up in his seat. Seokjin could feel his hands become clammy, all eyes were on him suddenly.

"Why did you accept my son's offer?" Woosung spoke out, his hands clasped together over the table as he leaned in towards him. The alphas scent became stronger, eyes narrowing as he waited for an answer. Misoo also turned to him, her own cup forgotten in front of her as she also waited.

"Dad." Wooyoung started but his father put a hand up, silencing him from interrupting him.

Seokjin gathered his words quickly, hands resting on his thighs, "I am giving him a chance, like he had asked me to give him."

"Do you like him?"

"I just met him. I can't like someone I met in such a short amount of time. But I can grow to like him over time."

Woosung stares at him intensely, "I noticed you're quite fond of the pack alphas son. Seems like my soon is at a disadvantage, kind of unfair for him if you've already chosen who you want to be with. You'd be wasting his time, effort. Hurting him and his feelings-"

"Dad, that's enough." Wooyoung interrupts as he stands and grabs his hand. He pulls him up, turning to take him away.

"It would be wise of you to not hurt my son." Woosung's words make him stop, pulling away from Wooyoung's grip, "I would hate to start a mess in your pack because you were dumb enough to not give my son the chance he deserves. Please be careful about the way you carry yourself in front of Wooyoung and your pack. I don't want people talking about my son being dumb enough to go after someone who isn't going to give him the time of day. So keep it in mind and be smart."

Wooyoung grabs his arm once again, leading him out of the house and pulling him along until they're far in between the trees. He's sure no one can see or hear them but his mind is flooding with so many thoughts and fears. Seokjin pulls away, looking up at Wooyoung in confusion.

"He's not wrong." the alpha says as he leans against a tree. He knits his eyebrows in more confusion, eyes narrowing in question and he can't help himself from taking a step back. "My father would break any peace treaty for me. This is the first time I have ever tried to court someone, so he knows how serious this is for me and the future of our pack."

"Do you think threatening me is going to help?" he asks, voice small and shaky.

"It's not really a threat. Just a small warning, something you should take in mind during this time. If you show that alpha affection, then I deserve to be on the same receiving end as well."

Wooyoung gave him one last look before straightening up. He looks contemplative about wanting to say more but he only gives him a smile and walks past him. Seokjin reaches for the handkerchief in his pocket, pulling it out and reaching out to grab onto Wooyoung's arm. The alpha looks at him, before taking the small piece of cloth in his hands and bringing it up to his nose to take a small sniff. He doesn't wait around any longer and steps away.

"If you really want to keep courting me. Then you'll take what I give you. I'm not scared of you or your father, so I don't really care. If that's not enough for you, then feel free to leave whenever you want."

The alpha looks taken aback by his words, eyes narrowing as he tries to take a step towards him. But Seokjin doesn't wait, he turns and walks away. His heart is hammering in his chest, he doesn't know where that much courage came from. But he's glad he didn't stay quiet about it either. Who the hell did they think they were? 

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