Epilogue: Moonlight

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The bristling of the stormy wind against the window had Seokjin curling into the furs even more. It was already morning, and yet the sky was full of dark grey clouds. It seemed as if the sun hadn't even risen at all. A warm hand curled around his waist, pulling him closer, as if it were possible. Namjoon was already willing himself away from his deep slumber. He would probably get up soon and prepare to go out and help his father. But before he got up, just like any other day, his hand skimmed over the skin of his stomach. Seokjin's shirt always seemed to ride up during the night and expose the small bump that was already poking out. It hadn't been long since he found out he was already carrying a pup. Ever since the eldest healer gave him the news, he has avoided his omega fathers interrogating stares and fiery questions. According to the healer, he should be 3 months along, and even though he mated Namjoon just a month ago he's lying that the timeline fits. Namjoon's mother has been ecstatic about the news and didn't bother to think about how it should be too soon for him to be expecting already. At least he could share the little secret with Namjoon, who had cried when Seokjin told him the news. They had spent the night sharing kisses whenever the alpha stopped stroking his stomach. By sight, he didn't look like he was pregnant. But under his loose shirt, there was a noticeable small bump that could be covered by the palm of his hand.

Seokjin turned around, eyes opening sleepily to find Namjoon was already wide awake. His hair was long, his fringe falling enough to hide his dark eyes. He liked running his hands through his long locks when it was time to sleep at night. Oftentimes, the alpha would fall asleep in a few minutes while he skimmed his fingers through his hair after a long working day. Namjoon smiled, leaning in and kissing him softly as he drew soothing circles along his stomach. These days the alpha was busier than usual, following his father along and learning new things. He had been trailing his scent all over their land in preparation for him to take over his fathers place. As soon as the pack alpha found out he would be a grandfather, he was equally excited and equally prepared to hand over the position to Namjoon. And despite being able to, Namjoon asked his father to show him how to properly become the next pack alpha. It might seem like a responsible thing to do, but Seokjin knew it was only his way of learning properly for the future. The future consisted of him handing over his position to their son or daughter when the time came.

"The storm has been violent all night, we probably won't be able to be out too long. I'll probably be home a little after noon. You should stay inside and keep warm."

Seokjin could only nod, pressing one last kiss against Namjoon's lips before the alpha slipped from under their pile of furs. He had instinctively built a nest in their giant bed after finding out he had a small pup growing within him. It made him feel safe, comforted, especially with how cold the weather had gotten. Seokjin snuggled into the blanket under him, picking up Namjoon's scent and signing in content. He could hear the small creaks under the alphas steps, and looked up when said alpha shrugged on his thick coat and waved at him before slipping out their bedroom door.

He faintly hears the front door shutting with a small thud, the wind howls against the window. He continues to snuggle in the warm cocoon around him, lulling himself to sleep once again. He will wake up when his stomach grumbles angrily and he has to force himself to leave the comfort of his bed to eat. Or his father will invite himself in and cook for him, he's been doing it a lot lately. He feels bad, knowing that he should tell him the storm is too harsh for him to be walking alone in. But a small part of him feels happy having his company, especially now that he feels more vulnerable. His wolf has been overly protective lately, making him anxious to be alone without his mate. But his fathers comforting scent keeps him calm until Namjoon returns with his alpha father in tow to pick up his mate and return to their own home.

There were a lot of things the healer told him to expect from the pregnancy, dizzy spells and morning sickness. Even intrusive mood swings and strange cravings or having. So far all he's only had to deal with getting some dizziness during random times of the day. He still hasn't had to rush out of bed at the crack of dawn to empty his stomach. His father had warned him about it, told him it was the worst feeling being hunched over a bucket and throwing up whatever he could. It made him panic at the thought to say the least, but he hasn't had to deal with that yet and he hopes he doesn't. His hand slides over his small bump, humming until he falls asleep.

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