Unexpectedly You

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Seokjin stared out the window, chest feeling heavy and stomach fluttering nervously as we waited. The moon was making its appearance, slowly rising to accompany the stars that were beginning to illuminate the sky. The owls were singing off as the night settled in and the wind blew through the brisling trees. The leaves waved along, some falling effortlessly off the branches and onto the ground. His skin felt heated under the robes, and the white fur coat settled over his shoulders was not helping the warmth dancing around him. He could feel his skin prickling with sweat, his mind racing as he waited for his parents to open the door and announce it was time for him to come out.

As excited he was to see Namjoon, his heart raced erratically, mind going haywire and thinking that it would be good if a terrible storm appeared out of nowhere and stopped the ceremony. But even as he wished something could happen, his wolf whined at the thought of delaying his mating. The thought of finally getting to mate Namjoon had his heart settling down, a smile springing to his lips. He looked down at himself, hands running along the soft fabric of his ceremonial robes. It was beautiful to say the least, small details of embroidery was so pretty he could cry. His skin has white streaks of paint, symbols of their pack running along his arms and chest. And to finish it off, a weaved crown of flowers rested atop his head. There weren't as many flowers during the winter to choose from, but he couldn't help but fall in love with the crocus flower.

They had gathered as many as they could, using them to decorate the mating circle, which was an assortment of rocks, leaves, paint and the flowers that sprouted colorful patches all around. The flowers were also used for the flower crows, their parents will hold them as they walk in and be placed on their heads when they step into the circle. It would signify them becoming a lone wolf, willingly let go by their parents. His stomach became giddy once again at the thought of suddenly becoming one with Namjoon. A small knock interrupted his thoughts, and his father stepped in with a small smile. It didn't take long for him to start tearing up, and despite trying not to cry, he found himself wiping away a tear when his father hugged him.

"It's time. Are you ready?"

His throat felt too tight, and his unease made it even harder to say anything. He nodded, holding his fathers hand and walking out of the room. His alpha father was waiting outside, his thick coat handing off his shoulders. He never wore it, unless there was a special ceremony. Seeing him wearing it made the reality of the day sink in more, he was really going to leave the comfort of his parents. He would now mate someone and receive their comfort from them. He found himself shedding more tears, although he will still be able to meet them and watch over them. A small part of him knew their bond wouldn't be as strong as the one he would share with Namjoon soon.

"Now now, don't cry." His father smiled, taking him in for a hug and shushing him softly. Despite not showing his tears, he could feel the small telltales of sadness mixing through his scent.

Seokjin took a deep breath, holding onto both of his parents' hands as they began trailing down the dirt path. There were flowers hanging from tree branches, and pinecones and acorns decorating the path leading up to the center square of their small village. Spirals of leaves and flowers were tied from tree to tree, making a small canopy above the circular altar set in the center. There were furs spread on the ground rounding the altar, his pack members were all standing, watching him as he made his way to the center. There were small stumps all around, a candle perched in the middle with pebbles and flowers surrounding it. The omegas worked so hard, the crocus flowers were really a beautiful addition. The velvety purple petals sprouted a pop of color all around them.

Seokjin pulled his gaze away from the decorations, eyes gliding to the center where Namjoon was already waiting. He had a thick black fur coat hanging from his shoulders. His robes were different, the robe wrapped around his waist and flowing down slightly until it reached his knees. His torso was naked, tan from working in the sun without a shirt and toned abs and muscles. Swirls or paint coated his chest in intricate patterns, flowing down until they disappeared under the robe. A beautiful curled flower crown was nestled against his head, a few twigs sticking out with leaves. He could see the proud smile on his face as he watched him, eyes shining and he couldn't help himself but blush from the intensity. Avoiding the embarrassment further, he looked away, focusing on his alphas parents standing right outside the circle with the elders of their pack.

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