Well I Don't Like You Either

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Seokjin woke up to the early chirping of the birds. He shuffled around in his bed for a few minutes until he was fully awake and sat up in bed. The other 3 omegas he shared a room with were still deep asleep so he tried to make as little noise as possible as he got out of bed to get ready for the day. He washed his face with cold water, it woke him up immediately. After he finished getting ready he grabbed his shoes and tiptoed out of the room. The sun was was still not at its peak, and the filtering rays of the rising sun were dispersing through the trees around the pack grounds. The chimney of the kitchen was already puffing out smoke, a clear sign that the older omegas and betas of the pack were already beginning their cooking. He yawned as he made his ways to the kitchen to offer any help he could give. H greeted everyone softly, smiling as wide as he could while he asked around for any instructions. 

"Shouldn't young omegas like you be getting beauty sleep and worrying about their looks to reel in an alpha?" the head kitchen omegas teases with a small chuckle.

"I would be an airhead if did that, I'd rather learn how to live." Jin says proudly.

"You'll make a fine mate. But here, take these baskets and go pick up a few berries. We're going to be making jam to reserve for winter."

Jin nods, taking the baskets he was handed and heading for the back door that led towards the woods. Whenever he was sent out to get things in the morning would probably be his favorite. He liked listening to the sounds of nature, it was relaxing, hearing the forest come to life the deeper he walked in. He was also able to explore on his own without being interrupted. The first bushes of berries came into view and he hurried over to it. A few birds flew away upon his arrival and he muttered a quick apology for interrupting their feast. He plucked a few blueberries and rubbed hem against his shirt before shamelessly stuffing his mouth. He hummed happily at the sweetness and began plucking more. The first basket was filling up already and he moved onto the bush next to him to get some of those too. He dusted his hands against his pants, rubbing off the dirt that he managed to pick up and continued further to look for more berries.

The sound of the stream nearby sounded like music to his ears. The current was slow and the chirping of the birds was making the atmosphere more peaceful. When he stepped out into the clearing by the river his eyes caught the sight of a few trees. One of them had red filling the branches while the other had black. His eyes quickly recognized the mulberries in the taller tree and the goji berries growing around them. He set down the blueberries on a giant rock by the shade and grabbed one of the other baskets. He started filling it with goji berries, his mind thinking of all the things they can make with them. 

A loud splash of water made him jump slightly and he turned slowly hoping there wasn't anything dangerous. It hasn't been rare for a bear or a wild boar to sneak so close to the pack grounds. But he definitely didn't want to be stuck in the way of a potentially dangerous animal. If there was a bear swimming to him then he was probably as good as dead. The air was stuck in his throat but at the sight of Namjoon coming out of the water he let it out. 

"You scared me." Jin informs him as he turns back to pick more berries.

He tried to focus on his task, ignoring the way his ears were beginning to feel hot from having seen the alpha emerge from the water without a short on. He had gotten a clear view of Namjoon's abs, the perfect tone of his arms and the sturdiness of his chest. He could hear the other walking out of the water, the ground crunching under his feet as he stepped out. For his own sanity, he was hoping the alpha had a spare shirt he could throw on. He doesn't trust himself to look him straight in the eyes if he isn't wearing a shirt. 

"Whatever, what are you doing here anyways?" Namjoon calls out. 

"Are you blind?" Jin mumbles, mostly to himself but when he hears the other scoff, he figures it must have sounded louder than he thought. 

"Are you stupid?" Namjoon fires back.

Jin scoffs now, offense seeping into his features and he can't help but to turn around with a scowl. His hands cross in front of him, careful not to drop the basket of berries and Namjoon stares back at him with a boring look. 

"Why are you still here? Are you purposefully here just to annoy me?"

"I can be wherever I want, besides I'm letting the traps settle for fish." 

Namjoon rolls his eyes as he turns away from him sits down to settle against a tree. Jin watches him get comfortable before he puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes. His face softens a bit as he drifted off to sleep and Jin caught himself staring a bit too long. He turns back to continue filling the basket with enough berries. There was just one more basket that needed to be filled and then he would be able to leave and forget the encounter ever happened.

The mulberry tree was a bit too tall for him to reach the lower branches, and he wasn't quite fond of climbing trees. He looked around for something that could give him a bit of leverage. He rolled his shoulders a bit before walking over to it and grabbing the end. All he could see around him was a few logs that seemed too heavy for him to even try lifting. He looked around trying to find a rock or something that was less heavier but he didn't find anything. The last option he had was to climb the tree much to his disliking. He was already reaching for the lowest branch when a small lizard ran through it and startled him. A yelp leaves his lips as he stumbles back in shock and drops to the ground. He looks up and sees Namjoon behind him, his eyes looking at him protectively, already on his feet as if ready to attack. His face feels too hot, he could see that he might have embarrassed himself and tries to stand up as quick as possible.

"Everything okay?" Namjoon asks as his eyes scan the trees around them/ 

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Jin tries to keep his voice from stuttering out nervously. 

"Did you need help reaching the branches?" Namjoon asks with a small chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me?" Jin scoffs as the annoyance comes back. 

Namjoon only chuckles louder and jumps up to grab the branch Jin was trying to reach. Jin watched his muscles flex as he climbed up the branches above him. He rolls his eyes when Namjoon uses his weight to lower one of the branches enough for Jin to reach. 

"Hurry up" Namjoon orders and he tries to ignore the teasing tone. 

The faster he fills the basket the faster he can leave, the thought made Jin hurry as he began plucking the mulberries. It didn't take him long and when he finished he turned away without thanking Namjoon for his help. He didn't deserve his gratitude after being an asshole.

"Be careful on the way back, the pack is out hunting already." Namjoon informs him as he jumps down from the tree, not a single scratch on him.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"  

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I'm watching out for you as a pack member, nothing more." 

Jin didn't know what the alpha was trying to imply with his choice of words. But he decided that he didn't like it one bit. It sort of made him feel as if Namjoon was saying there was an underlying reason for him to have asked. 

"Well..well I don't like you either." he blurts before turning around to leave.

"Never did I say I liked you."

Jin caught his mistake then and he had to stop himself from dropping the basket from the embarrassment clouding over him. He knew he should reply and try to defend himself from having gotten caught up in such an awkward situation. But he knew Namjoon would be expecting him to turn around and blurt out any excuse. He wasn't ready for the look the alpha was probably sporting on his face and focused on running away. A sudden thought trickling into his mind, wondering why he wouldn't be someone the alpha was interested in.

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