Please Look At Me Too

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It wasn't long before Seokjin knew the whole pack had picked up on the tension between Namjoon and him. Their eyes watched the two of them whenever they had to cross paths and ignore each other. It was hard for him not to sneak a glance to see if the alpha was looking at him or not. And no matter how much he wanted to just take a small look he didn't. He remained stubborn, walking with his head up high. It wasn't hard for him to realize that Namjoon could play the stubborn game too.

He had thought after their initial fight that said alpha would come up to him the day after to talk. But he didn't and it annoyed him to no end because he surely wasn't going to be the one to break. It did hurt in a way, was Namjoon not going to apologize or work it out with him? He was running out of patience, four days had already passed since they last talked.

Wooyoung was even harder to avoid. The alpha was always waiting around or asking for him, never giving up the chance to see him. And every time, he did all sorts of things to avoid talking to him or even running into him. He didn't need any more misunderstandings to spread around before he fixed the first one. But he couldn't ignore the small smiles Wooyoung had on his face whenever he asked for him. Or the small bouquet of flowers he held behind his back when he waited outside the kitchens for him. It made his insides twist in guilt, he knew he didn't deserve it. But he couldn't bring himself to stand before him and accept anything anymore. The bracelet he had given him was tucked away in his drawer.

The day had been busy, preparing for a bonfire for two packs was hard. More food, drinks and things had to be prepared to accommodate everyone. His neck was sticky from the heat of cooking and his shoulders slumped down tiredly. By the time he was relieved of his duty he grabbed his small sack and hurried out through the back door. He had decided to take a short swim in the river to freshen up for later.

The water was cold, making him shiver when he rose to the surface. The passing wind was not helping either, it only made goosebumps rise along his arms and the back of his neck. Seokjin washed quickly, rubbing soap all over his body and rinsing himself as quickly as possible. He didn't want to spend more time than necessary alone in the forest. It was too cold to enjoy a long swim like he did during the summer.

"You should really look out at your surroundings." A quiet voice startled him.

He turned around fast, heart sinking in fear. As soon as his eyes spotted Namjoon, he let out a small breath of relief. He closed his eyes, hand resting on his chest as he willed his heart to calm. When he opened his eyes he noticed how the alpha was shirtless, hair wet and eyes staring right at him. He became aware of their sudden nudity under water and felt his cheeks redden.

"Are you finally going to apologize?" Seokjin says as he crosses his arms over his chest. It was a swift move to cover himself up a bit more but also to look upset.

"Yes. I'm sorry I got too possessive. Wooyoung is the next alpha in line to take over his pack. I felt like I could lose you if I let him hover around you. He probably won't stop until he faces a final rejection."

Seokjin's features softened, "I had rejected him when he tried gifting the bracelet to me initially."

"He asked my fathers permission to join our pack's courting season. Said he found his potential mate, my father gladly let him. He won't stop courting you until you reject him at the end of the courting rituals."

Seokjin's eyes widened, the new piece of information shocking him and all he could think about was the bracelet he still had. All of Namjoons feelings and actions seemed to make sense now. It was no wonder he was defensive about Wooyoung from the beginning. Now it made him feel horrible, having thought he was being too uptight.

"I'm sorry for getting angry. I didn't know it was that serious. I understand why you'd get upset."

Namjoon smiles, moving forward until he is standing right in front of him. Seokjin couldn't stop himself from shivering, he had forgotten how cold it was. The alpha moved forward, his hand reaching to caress his cheek before engulfing him in a hug. His hands dipped underwater, skimming along his torso until they settled on his hips.

Seokjin can't help himself from leaning into the crook of the alphas neck. His scent clouded around him in comfort. He didn't want to admit it but he really missed him, missed his scent around him. He could tell Namjoon did as well, his hold tightening around him. He was leaving subtle touches and kisses down his neck. His natural instinct had him giving him more access, wanting the alpha to leave as much of his scent on him as he could.

"You don't have to stay away from him if you don't want to." Namjoon mumbles against his neck.

"Stop worrying so much. Now let's get out, I'm freezing." He pulls away first, turning around to avoid having to take another look at Namjoons chest. "And please look away, I don't want you to see me naked."

Seokjin could hear him chuckle, the water sloshing slightly from his movements. He runs out of the water, hiding behind a tree as he hurries to dry himself properly. His clothes offer him a bit of warmth, but the wind has his teeth chattering still. When he looks back out, Namjoon is gone, no longer in the water or anywhere around. Suddenly his nose scrunches, Namjoons scent swirled around him and he felt warmth wrap around him. The alpha had put his fur coat over him, and he sighed in content.

"I need to meet my father, I'll walk with you to make sure you're back safely."

Seokjin nods, smiling slightly when the alpha extends his hand for him to take. And he takes it happily, intertwining their fingers. Damn he really missed being this close to him. It made his wolf yip happily.

When they returned to the pack, everyone around stopped for a short second and eyed them. He could see them whispering to each other as they continued to pretend to do their tasks. Namjoon only smirked, rolling his eyes and giving his hand a soft squeeze.

"Don't get mad again, I really missed you. I'll pick you up later for the bonfire, okay?" Namjoon asks confidently and he nods. Leaning up to kiss him softly before pulling away completely and walking off.

Seokjin could feel his ear burn as he looked around to see his pack members snickering from his boldness. He was already halfway to his cabin when he felt a cold hand grasp his, pulling him away from him away from wandering eyes. When he looked up he saw Wooyoung, eyes wavering as he stopped and faced him.

"What do you think yo-"

"Your pack alphas son is courting you. Is that why you didn't want to accept my gift?" He cuts him off.

Seokjin takes a step back, frowning, "Yes."

"I want to court you too. And before you reject me, I just wanted to ask you to be fair."


"I'm not going to stop courting you. So I want to ask you to please look at me too. When the courting season starts, please see my efforts too."

Before he can answer, the alpha walks past him, heading back without looking back at him. His words echoed through his head as he made his way back to his room to get ready for the night. He ignores the small comments the other omegas made about Namjoon's furs still around him.

He knew he shouldn't, but all he could think about was Wooyoung. He hardly knew him, he wasn't even inclined towards him in the slightest. Yet those soft spoken words had him wondering. Questioning everything about the alpha, thinking about him when he shouldn't be. Maybe it was his omegas likes at having another alpha show interest. But he knew deep down that Wooyoung had a weak heart, and any prideful alpha wouldn't ask for a chance.

He could tell Namjoon was worried, asking him every other time if he was okay. He smiles every time, nodding and just mumbling he's feeling too tired. Every few minutes he looks away, eyes scanning the crowd until they land on Wooyoung. His omega prances in annoyance, probably not agreeing that he's piqued his sudden interest in another alpha.

But he can't help it, seeming to be drawn to him for some reason.

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