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Slowly as the days passed, summer was beginning to fall into autumn. The days grew shorter, while the nights became longer. The trees were changing color, slowly descending from its bright greens to lower tones. The sun wasn't as strong as before, there was always a cool breeze flowing throughout the day. The nights were crisp, and the pack began unpacking their warmer furs to use at nights.

Seokjin followed Namjoon through the trees. Hands holding tight as they walked amongst the falling leaves. They were walking through a cascading paradise of various colors. It wasn't a surprise anymore to many of the pack members when the pack alphas son waited outside the kitchens for a certain omega almost every day. At first many stopped short when they saw him, eyeing him carefully as he stood awkwardly. Other omegas batted their eyelashes, and sent him shy smiles but they stopped when they saw him turning his full attention the moment Seokjin stepped out from the kitchens.

It became a routine for them. Walking through the forest until they found their way to the top of the hill. It was their small secret, watching the light vary in colors as the sun descended. They felt the last warmth of the sun kiss their skin before finally disappearing. Today was no different, they walked slowly, marveling at the changes nature was taking on itself for the coming winter. Namjoon carried a small blanket this time, the grass atop the short hill was drying. No longer plush and soft. They set up the blanket on the floor before settling next to each other. The sun was already at its lowest, the short streaks of light licking its way as far as it could. Seokjin looked up, the sky turning darker but lighting up with stars. It was quiet, only the occasional gust of wind running through the trees would bring the world around them to life.


Seokjin looked down, eyes narrowing at a small pearl dangling from a string of leather. It was small, but vibrant, shining in its own beauty. Namjoon smiled, grabbing his hand and placing it in his palm carefully.

"A neighboring pack from the coast gave it to me a few years back when I accompanied my father. It was a peace offering when I came of age, to remember our packs are bonded as allies when I took my fathers place as pack alpha when the time comes." Namjoon smiles, remembering vividly when the elder had handed it to him.

His father had given him a proud smile when he reassured the elder he would become a great leader and be at their side when help is needed. Seokjin marveled at it, eyes filling with affection the longer he stared at it.

"I want you to wear it at the end of the courting rituals. When I kneel in front of you to ask for your acceptance, I want you to wear it."

With wide eyes he looked up, "Are you sure you want to court me? There are so many omegas, some with higher status than I, they would be a better fit for you."

"If I wanted someone with a high status, I would have mated a long time ago." Namjoon answered quickly, his tone assertive.

Seokjin gets lost in his thoughts as he looks down at the necklace. It makes him anxious believing the pack alphas son wants to court him. But a small spark of fear plants itself in his thoughts. Namjoon seems to sense his unease and takes his hand. It is warm and strong, dependable. When he looks up he's startled to see him so close, not noticing when he had moved forward. As soon as the two look into each other's eyes, they're moving forward, lips meeting and eyes fluttering close. Seokjin tightens his hold on the necklace when he feels Namjoon moving forward once again. His back meets the blanket, hands sliding up Namjoon's back as he hovers over him as they kiss. They continue kissing, their lungs burning and hearts swelling with so many feelings. It's reassuring to both of them, the attraction and need is mutual.

Namjoon leaves curt soft kisses along his face, before running his nose along his jaw. It's a small gesture, something an alpha will do when they want to let their omega feel safe and loved. Namjoon leaves a small kiss against his temple before finally pulling himself up and standing up. He gives Seokjin a hand, lifting him up with ease. Seokjin holds the necklace close, engulfing it in his palm as he watches the alpha fold the blanket.

The moon was at its brightest, illuminating enough as they walked back through the forest. This time there was a new feeling between the two. The two of them were aware of the shift between them. Their fingers intertwined and shoulders bumped as they leaned into one another.

"A pack is passing through in a few weeks. We're going to trade and go over our treaties. I probably won't be able to see you much, I will be busy by my fathers side but I will come to you whenever I can." Namjoon squeezes his hand, and Seokjin nods slowly.

He had heard of the neighboring pack coming this year once again. It happens every year, and things are quick and easy to get through. It does require hard work, the kitchens had been busy making jams and other items for them to offer as gifts. Namjoon probably had it harder, having to follow his dad around, making sure everything continues well until the day of the welcoming. Before he knows it, they're walking through the trees, walking to the omega cabins. It was dark and quiet, the pack was settled into their homes and many were probably already sleeping. There wasn't no one around to see them.

"Don't miss me too much." Seokjin teases as they come to a stop in front of the cabins. The alpha chuckles, nodding in response.

Seokjin mustered enough courage and leaned in. He kisses Namjoon softly, his arms wrapping around his arms around his shoulder and pulling him down to deepen the kiss. He could feel the alphas hands settle on his hips as they kissed. The sound of a door closing prompts them alert, pecking one last time before separating. Seokjin's cheeks dust pink while Namjoon coughs and looks up.

"See you around?"

Namjoon looks down at him, smiling as he reaches to pat his hair, "See you around."

Seokjin moves quickly, giving Namjoon a last kiss before hurrying inside and shutting the door behind him. He tries to calm his racing heart as he walks up the stairs to his room. He can't help himself from smiling as he takes out the necklace from his pocket and settles it inside his drawer. It seemed like another promise, small but holding so much meaning. 

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