A Blazzing Fire

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There was a low humming of drums, following the rhythm steadily as the pack began to gather. The sound had become such a staple throughout the courting season that he was beginning to grow sick of it. Seokjin pulled his coat tighter around him, trying to mask Namjoon's skin, which despite his best effort to wash off, was still clinging to him heavily. It made him nervous, the omegas in the cabin all looked at him knowingly. Some smiled, smirking as they passed by him while others gasped and rushed to form small circles of gossip. He couldn't help but worry, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before everyone knew, or at least had an idea of what happened between them. All he could do is hope that tonight's activities will quiet down the rumors and focus on what was to come.

He managed to push forward until he was standing in the front, where he had a clear and front row seat to the final challenge of the season. In the middle, a ring of fire blazed with fire. Rolls of heat reached him, and he could feel the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He regrets picking out the thickest of coats he owns, and he can't help the temptation to take it off. The ring of fire is small, meant only for three to four people at a time. He could tell that everyone around him was excited by it, knowing that they were in for a good show.

The final test consisted of strength, agility, quick wits and good strategy. There was a reason why it was reserved for the end, since most of the time there were so many injuries it wouldn't be fair to throw injured alphas in for another test. All alphas who were still standing, would fight against one another for the final offering. The last alpha standing is to walk right over to the omega they showed interest in and offer a final mating gift. His own father still wore a gold beaded bracelet from his own mating season. It's a special touch, gifting something that seemed a bit like an engagement, a promise of some sort. His thoughts raced again, thinking about Wooyoung and Namjoon fighting. I'd be a hand on hand combat, alphas not allowed to shift into their wolf form. They had to prove their strength as a man, showing they can be 10X much more stronger than their wolf. He had seen such a test before, always helping in the infirmary and always trying not to get sick from the sight of so much blood. Some injuries could be brutal, many with broken bones or cuts big enough to bleed so much it didn't seem normal. This time however, he wasn't allowed to help the rest of the healers, he had to wait and see who would be the one to walk towards him and officially ask him to mate.

The elders were already standing in the center of the opening, Namjoon's parents both standing at the front while the last of their pack rushed to join in. The participating alphas began walking in, all of them dressed in light clothing which would be easier for them to move in. They had white streaks of paint adorning their torso, a unique way for them to stand out differently inside the ring of fire. At the end of the line he spots Namjoon, walking broadly with his head high in the air. As the son of the pack alpha he was to use a different color of paint, a vibrant blue flowing like waves of the merciless sea down his arms and his chest. Seokjin couldn't help himself from turning red, spotting the faint love bite he had left right below his belly button. There was little paint concealing it, making it clearly noticeable and he wondered if there was a trace of wanted intention. Wooyoung's expression was stone cold, eyes icy as he took one look at him and another towards Namjoon. No doubt he had noticed the faint mark, but he was probably able to recognize his scent clinging just as strongly on Namjoon like it did to him. The alphas rounded the circle, all of them fidgeting in their spots as they stood in front of the fire.

"Tonight will mark the end of our courting season's tests. Our participating alphas and omegas, you must have been anxiously waiting for tonight to finally come. Remember, tonight you must show your own will of strength without the summoning of your alpha within. A few ground rules before we begin." The elder smiled to the alphas standing around him, "Any fallen alpha who can not continue to fight will be disqualified. Any alpha pushed beyond the fire, and taking even a step outside the circle will be disqualified. Any alpha who possesses a weapon within the circle of fire, will not only be disqualified but will also receive a punishment for endangering a life."

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