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Seeing Namjoon collapse shocked everyone, his state was bad and it was a miracle he survived such a fight against a fierce animal. Seokjin had rushed to his side, calling his name out desperately. The alphas parents were much the same, his mother crying while his dad was yelling for the healers to prepare the infirmary in a deep desperation. He had a few deep gashes, cuts trailing along his torso and down his arms. Bruises painted across his skin, blooms of dark purple spotting down his chest, arms and legs. The healers patch him up well, working silently and quickly. They were nervous, Namjoons father was staring them down as they worked on his injuries. His mother cried silently, her hand tightly holding onto Seokjins.

Seokjin let his own tears spill, sniffling quietly beside his alphas parents. After a few hours the healers finished, moving him to a clean bed after washing him fully to rid him of the dirt and blood. Seokjin rushed to his side as soon as they were allowed to see him. He cried as he held onto the alphas hands, silently calling his name in an attempt to wake him but to no avail.

Namjoons parents left him with the alpha after a few hours. They figured they needed to be alone, after all, Namjoon was in such a state because of Seokjin. The omega took over the healers, cleaning the alphas' wounds and switching his bandages. When he couldn't force himself to keep his eyes open he fell asleep, his head resting over Namjoons stomach.

The crisp autumn air tickled his skin, he could feel his hair being pushed away from his face. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Namjoons smile. His dimples on display and his eyes open. He pushed himself up, standing as he stared down at the conscious alpha. Seokjin could feel his eyes brimming with tears and he threw himself on the alpha. Hugging him tightly and whining into his neck as he cried in relief. Namjoon groaned, eyes squeezing tightly when the pain shot through his body. Seokjin gasped, pulling away and muttering apologies as he took his weight off of him.

"Why are you crying?" Namjoon mumbled as he sat up slightly, a pained grimace making an appearance for a slight second before concealing it.

"You stupid, stupid alpha! What were you thinking, going after a bear, all on your own! You could have died!" Seokjin yelled as the tears continued to stream down his cheeks.

"But I didn't. Besides, I did it for you. And I would do it again."

Seokjin looked up at him, crying even more and letting himself be pulled onto the bed. He sat on the edge, holding Namjoon's hands as he wiped away the tears with his thumb. Seokjin took a deep breath, reaching out to caress the alphas cheek before leaning in to kiss him. It totally caught the other by surprise, stilling before moving his lips against the omegas. They kissed softly, their hands lacing together, the minutes passing calmly as they felt each other. Namjoon could feel the worry and relief in the omegas touches, grazing every inch of him longingly while his kisses seemed to get deeper as the seconds ticked by.

The door opening startled the two, pulling away quickly. Seokjin stood up, coughing nervously and looking up to see who had come in. Namjoons mother smiled, her lips stretching so wide as she looked between the two. She set a small tray of food and water on the table before winking towards them and leaving them alone once again. Seokjin could feel his face heating up, his cheeks dusting a pretty pink.

"Come here."

Seokjin sat once more, his hand holding onto Namjoons as he looked up at him. He couldn't quite form the right words and there was so much he wanted to say.

"Thank you." Namjoon smiled, nodding slightly as he looked back at him, "I'm so proud of you, Alpha."

Seokjin leaned in once more, lips moving against the alphas. This time it was much more desperate, hands tangling into his hair and body pressed tightly against Namjoon. The alpha pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around his waist and almost pulling him up to sit on his lap. But the pain spread across his body from the sudden movements and released a hiss. Seokjin pulled away, smiling as he pushed Namjoon's hair away from his face.

"You should rest. You're still in pain and you need to recover quickly."

Namjoon nods, shifting in the bed and getting into a much more comfortable position. There is a knock on the door, he guesses his parents were waiting for them to finish up whatever they were doing. Seokjin opens the door, a blush returning on his face as he lets in the alphas parents. Namjoon's mother is beaming, winking to Seokjin once again as she steps past him and rushes to the bed. She envelopes Namjoon in a tight hug, a pout on her face as she studies him once more and sees all the aching bruises and the bandages covering his body. Namjoon's father stands by the bed, reaching to run his hand through his son's hair in a comforting manner. Seokjin smiles at the sight, a warmth spreading through at the thought of Namjoon's parents being such loveable grandparents in the future. The thought extends further and he imagines his own kids being loved in such a way and he doesn't notice the way his name is being called out. He snaps out of his trance and stutters out an answer, blushing when he sees the other three looking intently at him.

"You're so adorable. I will leave my baby in your hands, I need to go back to the kitchens." The pack Luna smiles as she stands from the bed after placing wet kisses on each of Namjoons cheeks.

"The elders extended the last test, they saw how bad a state you were in so they pushed it two days after. Recover quickly, I'll stop by later."

Namjoon's father smiles on his way out, rolling his eyes as his mate bounces by his side as she squeals. Seokjin can't help but chuckle, their pack leaders are so whipped for each other. When he turns around Namjoon is looking at him as if in a daze, his eyes tired. He smiles, walking over to him and placing a small kiss against his lips before tucking him in. He watches the alpha yawn, settling into the blanket but never letting go of his hand as he dozes off and falls asleep. 

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