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Donnie awoke to the searing heat of the sun, light seeping through the tent. After a short rummage around, Donnie emerged from the camp, seating himself on the log, awaiting the presence of his brother.

Seconds later, Raph stumbled out of his tent, grumbling to himself as he rubbed his eyes.
"It's too early." He growled, sinking to the floor next to Donnie.
"Come on Raph, we've got places to go today." Donnie nudged his brother, still tense from last nights conversation.
"Where?" Raph snatched up a loaf of bread from the tin of food.
"We're gonna find Mikey." Donnie stood before Raph could reply, heading towards the motorcycles. "So are you coming or what?"
Raph raised an eyebrow, a smile creepy up his mouth.
"Well duh."

The two drove towards the city, hauling their bikes through the hole in the metal fence.
Shadows lurked around the alleys where the buildings shielded them from sun light, giving them extra places to hide in case members of TCRI tracked them.

"So where do we check first?" Raph began, leading Donnie towards the main streets.

"The one place I've been too afraid to." Donnie sighed, stepping out onto the pavement. "Our old home..."

The boys stayed near the stores, avoiding other pedestrians. Many people carried around limestone rings, as to differentiate humans from mutants in the events that one may try and live among them. Donnie winced in pain as his hand brushed that of a lady, who seemed to notice his pain, eyeing her ring. Donnie kept walking, convincing himself that he was just paranoid.
They soon made in to a row of apartments, particularly are run down set in which they used to live.
Raph tore down the signs covering the door, glaring at the graffiti scribbled across the building.
It was just how Donnie had remembered in to be. The staircase leading to their apartment had a couple steps missing, and the windows were covered in plaster and wood.
It was abandoned.
Donnie's heart sunk as they approached their door, a look of horror crossing his face at the sight of it laying on the ground. The apartment was exactly how they'd left it. Nobody had bothered repairing it, or the entire building for that matter.
He stepped into the room cautiously, soaking in every detail. Raph wondered over to the bed in the corner, the bed they had all somehow managed to share.
There were toys scattered along the mattress, sheets crumpled on the floor. Raph leant down to pick up a particular toy, running his hand over it. He then set it down on the pillow, eyes watering.
"Mikey's not here Don. I-I can't do this..." He stared around the room, tears spilling at the memories conjured by these objects.
He approached the corner of the apartment, crouching down. "D-Do you remember this?" He turned around, holding up a small blue blanket.
Donnie's eyes widened at the sight of the familiar cover.
"Yeah...that was Leo's." He nodded, heading over to his brother to feel the fabric.

"He used to wrap this around us whenever he'd sing or read a story to calm us all. I used to make fun of him for sleeping with it every night. I guess I didn't realise he used it as a source of comfort." Raph looked down, tucking the blanket into a sack.

"He associated it with his family..." Donnie mumbled, realisation registered in his eyes.
A sudden gunshot tore through air, followed by multiple other bangs and screams.
"DONNIE!" Raph yelled, pulling his startled brother to the floor as bullets sprung through the windows.
"WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THEIR!" A voice blasted through a megaphone from somewhere on the street below. Donnie gasped quietly as a couple for bullets fired through the shattered windows.
"How do they know we're here?" Donnie hissed.
"I dunno," Raph glared at the window. "But we need to get out."

"EITHER YOU COME OUT OR WE COME IN."  The man on the megaphone bellowed.
Donnie scrambled towards the door, taking one last glance at the apartment.
"Goodbye." He whispered, before following Raph out the doorway towards the staircase. There slammed the back door, skidding out into the open air.
Donnie led his brother along the wall, peering around the corner at the men gathered around the building. The woman he had bumped into was next to them, handing over her limestone ring.
"Just blow it up. We don't need it." Donnie heard a man suggest, heart pounding as he stared up at his old home.
Raph must've heard this too as he grasped Donnie's hand, leading him away from the building. Looking back, Donnie watched as the men began strapping explosives to the building, evacuating those nearby.

Raph led Donnie towards a building near the centre of the city. They clambered up onto the balcony, ignoring flustered employees as they stared out at the building they'd once lived in. All the memories they'd created there, games they'd played, the love they had shared, all crumbled away as the building shattered.

They're home was gone.
As was their family...

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