PC Zero Continued: Mimia

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* Again, beware the abundant spoilers.

Mimia is a Stufful who acts as a servant to Lucca. Although physically strong, he feels sensitive about his overly feminine voice and usually resorts to communication through barks and growls rather than normal speech. Besides Lucca, his other connections are to Karol and Fionn, with whom he was formerly allied as a feral hunter, and the royal family who took him in after the unfortunate incident in which he lost use of one eye.

Mimia's motivations are unclear because his backstory is unclear. Lucca says at one point that Mimia chooses to serve him because he owes him his life, but he says this in the course of what is later revealed to be a lie. The reader is left questioning whether the entire thing, including the back story of Mimia, was a lie or whether only parts of it were. It also seems possible that Mimia might have been forced to choose between servitude and death for crimes he committed as a feral Pokémon.

The feral Pokémon concept is also a little muddy to me. I'm not entirely sure what makes the difference between a feral Pokémon and a regular one, especially with characters like Mimia, Karol, and Fionn. At what point did Mimia stop being feral? Are Karol and Fionn still feral even though they seem to act like regular Pokémon? Out of all the feral Pokémon in the world, why was Mimia saved? And why didn't Lucca ever think to try saving others, knowing that some of them might turn out to be like Mimia?

Regardless, it's obvious that Mimia is extremely devoted to Lucca, reportedly making a habit of pushing himself to the point of collapse for him. This means that his plotline essentially follows Lucca's. The only exception are the hints Mimia gives to Crystal that something is up with Lucca. He asks her to stop Lucca because he can't. He also later reveals that he started to get suspicious of FinVarra when he discovered that Alver had killed Megan's parents and was also acting in apparent contradiction of orders.

Does Mimia need to be a big, important character? I'm going to argue not, but in a book where all of the six heroes are important to the quest, I would enjoy seeing Mimia get a little bit of time to shine. I think it would make sense to expand the idea of him coming to separate his goals from Lucca's. It would be really interesting to see this devoted servant character go through a period in which he starts to question what his master is doing. I would like to see him have to face the question of why he really serves Lucca. Is it just a debt to be repaid, no matter what that means, or does he serve Lucca because he truly admires and believes in him? How does he handle it when Lucca isn't doing the right thing? That wouldn't take up too much time in the book, but it would still add a lot to Mimia's character.

Overall, he's fine as is. At the very least, I would like to see the point about his backstory clarified. And if he's really going to be one of the six warriors and not just a servant along for the ride, I would also like to see a bit of a subplot involving him in any rewrite that might happen.

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