Plan of Attack

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*This is told from Rey's perspective

Following my many interactions with Kylo Ren I had gathered a few things about him. First, he was extremely passionate. This passion manifested itself primarily in anger. But, whatever his cause was he cared immensely about it. The second thing I'd observed was that he was layered. I noticed this times when he was fighting someone. Before he finally killed someone I saw a twitch in his eye or a crinkle in his nose. This showed me that he wasn't 100% to the dark side. With time he could get there, but that time hadn't come yet.

In just a short amount of time I'd been part of the resistance I's seen immense amount of lives lost at his hands. Considering all the innocent people at risk and the good I knew was within him I decided I needed to talk to him. I couldn't bear to see any more pain. The conflict within him hurt him and as a result hurt defenseless citizens .

Convincing Kylo to sit down with me wouldn't be an easy task. A rebel leader and a leader of the first order getting together for a civil chat was unheard of. If I proposed this I'd certainly be shut down and thought to have alterier motives.

I needed a plan. General Lea would never allow for me to put myself in such danger. I knew the only way to make this happen was to let as few people as possible in on my secret and sneak aboard Kylos ship. The first person I went to for help was Finn. He had intell on the first order. His information was becoming more outdated everyday since he'd left the first order, but I figured there would be something of value that he knew.

The day I came up with the idea to talk to Kylo, I visited Finns quarters. Being the rebels and having limited resources Finn shared a room with three other guys. After I opened the door I didn't even have to ask them all three men cleared out.

"Hey Rey! He said enthusiastically. I knew he was into me. He gave of strong hints aboard the millennium falcon. Unfortunately for him I was there strictly on business.

"Hi Finn I need to ask a favor of you" I said taking a seat next to him at a small white table situated in the back of the room.

His eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Whatever you need Rey, you know I always have your back"

A smile came to my face. Finns kindness towards me was unwavering. Once he found out what my plan was. He may have felt less eager to help me.

"Finn, I know it's been months since you were in the first order. But, there's gotta be something you know that can help me get on to the main ship." I said immediately looking down at my lap. I couldn't bear to see the concern cross Finns face .

"Rey I think it's time to slow down our mission. In the past month you've been seconds from death countless times. Anyways I feel like we've gotten lucky too many times. Sooner or later our luck is going to run out. Whatever your doing I have to know you will be safe before I help you" His mouth shifted into a slight frown.

"I understand your concern. And I value your opinions. I've had some really sad times having to witness all this conflict. And having your brightness to lift me up has been a godsend, but the fate of the universe is uncertain. I need you to trust me." I said. I looked into finns eyes waiting for a response. He opened his mouth to speak then paused. When he finally spoke it was good news.

"If your trying to get on that ship undetected. There's only one way I can imagine. And your not gonna be able to just throw on a storm trooper outfit and call it a day. You need to get aboard a supply ship. Once a month the ship gets fresh food from a planet called Morvod. I think if you go to Morvod and take the place of one of the food deliveres you could make it onto the ship." He sighed. I could tell he was reluctant to share this information, but it showed his loyalty that he would Be willing to give me this crucial information.

I reached to hug him and he hugged me back. I thanked him. He made me promise to stay safe and I did. I left the room with a sense of excitement. I was one step closer to speaking to Kylo Ren.



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