Clearing the air

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Kylo took a seat next to me and gave me a hug. He squeezed me so tight. This affectionate side felt nice and unexpected from Kylo, but I hadn't forgotten what that maid said to me. He leaned in for a kiss, but I backed away.

"What's the matter?" He said going in for a kiss once again. I backed away again.

I sighed and scooted a bit away from him so our hips weren't touching on the couch. "A maid just said something to me and I couldn't be less in the mood. " I said feeling sick once again. Thinking of Kylo with someone else made me so uncomfortable.

He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them firmly. "Who was she? If she only knew who you were!" He let out a chuckle, but not an amused one.  His laugh was half angry half appalled. He got a crazy look in his eye like he was going to kill someone.

"Well I'm not actually mad at the maid." I said grabbing his hands and taking them off my shoulders. "I'm pissed at you Kylo. You know what she said. 'You're not the first'. I was incredibly humiliated and I really feel I don't know you." I was about to get up and leave, but I realized I had nowhere to go. Kylo was the only one who could get me off this ship. I didn't know how to operate the ships. And I didn't know my surroundings. Going undetected would be impossible. I was stuck.

"Rey, I've never felt anything like I've felt with you. I'm drawn so strongly to you. Anyone else is gone from my memory" he said pleading his case. I still wasn't convinced.

"But you think so lowly of maids. The fact that you would have sex with just anyone makes me feel like a play thing to you. How can I trust you actually care for me." My cheeks got hot and I felt a tear fall from my eye. I tried to wipe it quickly so he wouldn't see, but he did.

"Please don't cry. Those relationships were strictly physical. With you I'm emotionally connected. I trust you like no I've ever known" Kylo also let a tear slip. It was so unusual to see him so vulnerable. Seeing how upfront he was being I decided I could look past this. I gave him a big hug and apologized for not trusting him. He forgave me and apologized for not telling him about his past.

"Kylo we need to get out of here. A vacation! We can go anywhere you want, I just can't carry on this way." I said finally being blunt about my feelings.

"I agree, we head out tomorrow!" He said in an excited tone. A big goofy smile spread across his face and my face copied. He pulled me close and began to kiss me slowly. I loved how he did this. He was always so aggressive with everything, besides kissing me he was gentile.

We continued to make out slowly and sweetly. I ran my hands through his dark thick hair. He caresses my body with his big strong hands. After a few minutes he grabbed my hand and lead me back to a random maids bed.

He unbottoned my maids shirt so slowly. The anticipation was building. My stomach had butterflies and there was a familiar tingling feeling growing between my legs. The anticipation was growing. I needed to feel him in me. Every since we first made love my body ached for him. I started unbuttoning my shirt too, because I just couldn't wait.

"You really missed me?" He said with a smirk. He took off his overcoat and lifted his top off his head. He exposed his chiseled chest. I had forgotten how strong he was and the moisture in my panties continued to grow. I quickly unhooked my bra. This prompted him to lay kisses all over my breasts. He kissed from my collar bone all the way to my nipple and stopped there and gently sucked.

At this point I reached a breaking point. "Kylo I need to feel you inside me!" I said basically pleading for his touch.

He laughed once again, but didn't hesitate to rip off his trousers. I took my maid skirt and panties off quickly as well.  He took my hips in his hands and turned me around. He positioned himself at my entrance and quickly thrust in. He had stretched me out the first time we made love, but with this new position he found all new spots to hit.

He was more aggressive this time thrusting hard and fast making me moan with every move.

"Fuck Rey" he whispered as we both neared our climaxes. Hearing him say this pushed me over the edge. His voice was so sexy.

Once we finished we cuddled and chatted. There was no mention of my vacation idea. I hoped he hadn't forgotten.

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