The conversation

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He brought me to a dark room. It had black and silver couches and a table, but for the most part it was empty.

"Kylo the reason I'm here is because I belive the constant conflict between our opposing sides does no good for anyone ." I said I really should've rehearsed because I felt no influence was made on him. I looked him in the eyes while I spoke. They were dark and emotionless. For just a moment however I saw a twinkle of humanity from him. The twinkle quickly went away.

He sat across from me I noticed one of his fists clenched. I didn't think I'd angered him much yet, but with him I wouldn't have been surprised.

"It can't be that way. I am who I am. I need power and conquest is the means in which I will get it" he said sounding conflicted in his voice.

"Please come with my Kylo. Together we could make everyone happy. It doesn't need to be this way" I said. I tried to fight his energy with positivity and warmth.

"Damnit Rey! It can't be that way! It never will be!" He shouted slamming his hand on the table between us. I was freighters only for a moment. I knew his outburst was a defense mechanism of his. He had to act violently to block out the light in him.

"But it can" I said extending my arms across the table grabbing both of his hands. "They'd forgive you Lea, Finn. . ." He ripped his hands out of mine. He stood up and walked to the wall and leaned up against it.

"Rey you don't understand" He looked stressed running his hands through his hair frantically.

"Kylo tell me what I don't understand!" I shouted. I felt finally we were getting somewhere.

"I'm drawn to you Rey. Your energy I feel it. But it can't be like this! I can't undo all of this!" He yelled. I saw a tear fall from his eye. He wiped it away so fast I barely saw it.

"No you can't but you can join us. Our power together would be unstoppable. All of us together can do good for the galaxy!" I felt I was making progress. He was feeling emotion and actually expressing it.

"No Rey 'All of Us' I can't do that. It's you Rey. I can't explain it but I need to be with you." He said tears now streaming down fast. He didn't try to hide them anymore.

I looked at him in disbelief. Kylo would've killed me just a few months ago if he'd gotten the chance. But I couldn't say I didn't feel the same.

I stood up to walk over to him. I felt it too. I felt our energies drawing him to me. Before I had a chance to walk over to him he was standing inches away from me. I looked up into his dark eyes. This time I saw more than a twinkle. I saw his heart in his eyes. And it was big, not cold as I'd thought before.

Next thing I knew he had me down on the couch. He held my hands above my head as he kissed me. His body language was aggressive as one could expect, but his lips were gentile. He kissed deeply and slowly. I could feel the desire radiate from him. He let go of my arms and threw off the farmers jacket I was wearing. I unbuttoned the cape he was wearing and it slipped off his shoulders onto the couch.

Our lips met once again. This time he was more aggressive. He took control and had his hands in my hair. I ran my hands down his arms and I could feel through his shirt how strong he was. I immediately felt eager to take it off. I lifted it over his head and ran my hands over his chiseled chest. I moved down and began to kiss his abdominal muscle while running my hands on his biceps.

He quickly returned the favor lifting the farmers dress over my head leaving me in only my undergarments. I reached for his belt and took it off as fast as I could. He kicked his boots off and his pants followed. Now he was in nothing but his underwear as was I.

He kissed me softly once again as he reached for my breasts. He cupped them and gave them a gentile squeeze. He soon unhooked my bra and kissed my bare breasts. The anticipation was growing and I could feel an increased tingling in my panties. I grabbed for Kylos cock through his underwear and felt it was quite hard.

I started to pull his underwear down freeing his hard mass. I could feel my need for him deep in my stomach. He pulled down my panties that had gotten quite wet at this point in anticipation for Kylo.

"Come on Kylo I need you in me Now!" I pleaded for him. I was so aroused I felt I couldn't wait any longer. He laid me back and climbed on top of me and slowly entered my body. He was so large it matched his personality, so powerful. He didn't stay slow for long. He began to pound into me. It hurt to begin, but I adjusted soon and he felt amazing.

He continued to caress my body and kiss my all the while. I heard him whisper my name so quiet i almost didn't catch it. He was still uncomfortable being vulnerable, but this was a good step. He finished after a fair while. Once he finished he brought his face down and worked magic on my clit and I came as well.

After we were both done we payed there and cuddled. I didn't know what to make of the interaction, but I knew things would never be the same again.


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