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Author's POV

A young teenaged girl slowly opened her dark blue eyes, enjoying the calming sound of birds chirping. The warm rays of the dawning sun seeped through her silver blinds of her room and shined comfortably onto her small face.

The girl sat up from her bed and stretched as she yawned. A wave of confusion dawned over the noirette as she realized how well rested she was.

She turned her gaze to the right, and looked upon the digital clock that sat on her nightstand table.

"SHIT ITS 7AM!" She exclaimed, widening her eyes as she toppled from her bed. She ran groggily towards her closet, stumbling on her steps. Not caring what clothes she picked, she yanked anything off its hanger, and ran to the bathroom. The girl took the quickest shower of her life, got all her stuff, and ran down the stairs.

"BYE MOM! BYE DAD!" The noirette yelled as she ran out the door to her car. "Late on your first day of school! Just fantastic!" She scolded herself.

On regular days, the young teenager wouldn't care about being late but today was EXTREMELY important for her. She was transferring to a new school with her best mate, Park Eunha,
and she needed to be at school at 7:30am sharp. Her principle would be giving a small tour of the Academy, along with her best friend. The 18 year old pulled up to the parking lot of the school and sighed in relief as it was only 7:10am. "Thank you, Jesus, for no traffic." She mumbled to herself, as she parallel parked into an open spot.

She hopped off her black, metallic corvette and took all the necessary items for her first school day at the prestigious school, Starlight Seoul Academy.

She decided to take a small look around and waited for Eunha to arrive. She came across a huge building and entered it.

While leisurely walking upon the building's pristine hallways, she looked up and saw a door with stairs leading to a rooftop. There was a sign strictly saying "NO STUDENTS ALLOWED" but the girl simply ignored it and continued walking up the stairs.

The young girl wasn't typically a mischievous trouble maker, but the sign both intrigued and delighted her! She loved being on rooftops. In her old school, there was a gorgeous rooftop garden filled with many different kinds of wonderful plants and even had a small hot tub. She'd go almost daily to it along with Eunha.

She finally came across the door that lead to the outside, and opened it. Her eyes widened in disgust at the image in front of her. A guy was having a full out make out session with a girl who looked like she bathed herself in make up. She felt nauseated at the scene before her, and felt disgusted at how easily the girl he was kissing would moan in pleasure at his hickeys. Not wanting her poor virgin eyes to die, she hurriedly tried to make a run for it and dart down the stairs but failed miserably as the guy had already noticed her measly presence.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The guy asked in a quite irritated tone.

"Um I...I wanted to look around. I'm so sorry. It was an accident." The poor girl squeaked. She'd never been yelled at and his tone of voice frightened her a little.

The man stood up and smirked at the shaken noirette. He easily towered over her small form. The man came closer and closer to her, and she kept backing up slowly, until her back hit the stoned wall.

"For a transferee, you're pretty cute. We usually only get dumbass nerds." He chuckled, and leaned close to her face, almost as if observing her delicate features. "What's your name, transferee?"

"M-my name? Well, I am Kang Jaehee. Why do you want to know?"

"Hmm, I see." the guy said while looking as if he was trying to remember something. "Beautiful name for a beautiful lady, am I right?" He said, completely ignoring the girl's previous question. The guy's face was only a few inches away from Jaehee's.

Her deep blue eyes couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous man's face.

He noticed the girl's shameless staring and smirked

"Quite charming, aren't I?" The man said arrogantly. "I know I am."

Jaehee rolled her eyes. "I assume you're a playboy?"

The guy only winked with a sly grin. "I am Taeyong. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kang." He said while mockingly bowing at the girl.

"What a wonderful turn of events, hmm?" Taeyong said with a dark expression to which Jaehee wrongfully dismissed.

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