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Author's POV

Jaehee slowly opened her eyes. She blinked in confusion for she was disoriented after waking up. She groaned and touched her head. It was throbbing.

"Where am I?" Jaehee muttered to herself.

     "Oh you're awake." A deep voice said. Jaehee sat up straight, startled. The room was pitch black. Her wrists were sore and whenever she moved she'd hear a 'clang' sound, so she assumed she was tied up in chains.

     "W-who's there?" Jaehee squeaked. She heard the deep voice chuckle.

     "Why, don't you remember my voice, princess?" Jaehee shivered as she realized.

     "Jeno....what is the meaning of this?" She asked, betrayal was harshly written all over her words.

     "Forgive me, Jaehee. But it needed to be done." Jeno said. "Boss will explain everything. Fear not, your life isn't in danger. But I suspect he will force you to join us."

     "Join you guys!? To Hell with that! I'd never stoop as low as you monsters." Jaehee spat.

     Jeno sighed. Jaehee heard movement walking towards her.
Jeno bent down next to her and released her chains.

   She brought her beaten up wrists to her chest and held them tightly. She groaned a bit by the pain. Jeno threw the chains across the floor and helped Jaehee up.

     "Why're you helping me, let me go, Jeno." Jaehee spat. In truth she was broken. She didn't wanna do anything except be on the floor and cry. She trusted them. And they back stabbed her.

     Jeno smirked. "Very well. Have it your way." He said, dropping her to the floor. "You little bitch, if you couldn't tell I was trying to be nice then you sure are one dense dumbass." He said with a dark glare.

     Jaehee landed with a thud, wincing at both the pain of her Injuries and his harsh words. Where was the Jeno that she loved?

     "Hurry it up. It isn't wise to make Boss wait." Jeno said.

     Jaehee wobbled to her feet and fully stood up.

     "Boss? You mean Jaehyun right?" Jaehee asked shivering from the cold of the pitch black room she was in. 

     Jeno ignored her, and held her arm again and walked with her to their destinations.

     As they walked, Jaehee couldn't help but admire the beauty of the hallways she stepped upon.

They finally arrived at the dreaded brown and golden doors of Jaehyuns office. Jeno placed a black bag over Jaehee's head. She squirmed and yelled trying to get out of it but Jeno held her in place.

     He shoved her inside and she stumbled a bit before falling on her knees. A snap was heard through the room, and Jeno bent down and roughly took off the bag on her head.

     Jaehee snapped her head up. She failed to calm herself as she stared at the scene before her. All the members were boring holes into her skull with their dark stares.

     Jaehyun was in the middle of them all, and stared down at her with an expressionless face.

     "Kang Jaehee....." He smirked. Jaehee shivered under his terrifying gaze. "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Allow me to explain why you're here."

"Your father stole from me three months ago." He began. "He took 3million dollars from me!" Jaehyun roared. "Your fucking father dared to mess with me. So you know what I did? I found out he had a precious daughter. And once I located where you guys moved to after running away from me, I began to plot how to kidnap you. Another thing you should know, is that your father knows where you are and your current situation. Yet he doesn't care." He mocked.

     Tears formed in Jaehee's eyes. This can't be true....Dad....Dad and Mom would never leave me! She thought.

"Jaehee, you should know one more thing. Seeming as you look broken, and I want to enhance that expression. Lemme tell you some more things, since your pathetic face entertains me. Your father never really loved you, and your "mother" isn't actually your mother. Your actual mother is dead, and guess what? You're the fruit of a worthless disgusting affair! I killed your real mother. Your "fake" mother hates you. And your dad only bears with you because you look like your slut of a mother. They had to carry the burden of a piece of scum like you, all because your dad could never forget his guilty pleasure. So go ahead. Try to escape. See how long you live. Your "parents" would never accept you back, and we'd kill you." Jaehyun said nonchalantly. His cold, emotionless expression remained the same even though Jaehee's face was stricken with tears..

"You will work for me. Your training starts tomorrow." Jaehyun said. "You will do jobs under my name. And if you fail to meet my expectations, then you'll simply end up like Momo, or worse." He said.

"Bring that woman in." Jaehyun ordered to Johnny. He opened a door leading to a dark room, and pulled out Momo who looked. completely distorted.

     Her skin, - once pale, and glowing-, was now bruised and dry. She was completely exposed in her upper region except a worn out see through shirt that Johnny tossed at her.

     Her back was covered with deep lashes and her eyes bore a broken disposition.

Jaehee gasped in horror. Even the other gang members looked away, grimacing at the nauseating site.

"How could you do this to one of your own!?" Jaehee screamed.

"Oh Jaehyun didn't do it. He hates getting his hands dirty." Eunha said with a lopsided smile. "I did it."

Jaehee glanced in terror at her best friend. She'd known Eunha since they were small kids and right now she felt as if she was the most foreign stranger in the room.

Jaehyun smiled cockily. "Oh how horrible you look, Jaehee. You must've been treated pretty damn badly, huh?" He mocked. "But no worries, princess, you'll be sleeping in my room tonight." He laughed evilly, enjoying himself while all the color left Jaehee's face as horror ate her soul.



Hello everyone! I love how I assigned myself a proper date to update and I just completely ignored that lol. I just wanted to update because I wanted to thank all of you immensely for 300 reads! I'm so happy and I really just wanna say, from the bottom of my heart, that I love you guys, and thank you!
Xoxo ~💕

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