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*WARNING* Tiny bit of gore. Jus' a little don't worry.

His eyes were dark and his lips were curved into a small grin. "Did I say I worked for EXO? Oops, I lied! I work for BTS now, princess. And guess what? You'll be our new pet. Knock her out and kill the other NCT members. They all should be towards the back areas of the mansion." He said sadistically.

"My pleasure." Taehyung said from behind me and threw me on the man named Jungkook.

"Welcome to the real mafia, princess." Taeyong cackled before raising a gun to my head, the last thing I saw was a familiar brunet's silohuette creeping up on the two men before blacking out completely.

Author's POV

Taeyong laughed as he held Jaehee's now limp body. He smirked a victorious grin, thinking he had succeeded his plan in betraying NCT. However the white haired man failed to noticed a certain brunet creeping up on him and punching the back of his neck.

"Taeyong, you fucking bastard!" Screamed angrily Jaehyun, his nostrils were flared and his onyx eyes were turned to slit, fuming with pure anger for the latter.

Taeyong's body thrusted forward causing Jaehee to wake up from the sudden violent jolt. Taeyong turned around, his eyes also blazing, and shoved Jaehee into Jungkook's arms.

"Get her out of here!" Taeyong yelled then fixated his dark eyes back onto the taller man in front of him.

Eunha and Momo appeared at his side, their black desert eagles cocked, and reading to be triggered.

"You fucking dirty asshole." Momo hissed as she neared the man. Taehyung stepped in front of Taeyong, and held his gun towards Momo's face.

Five other guns were cocked as they circled around Momo, Jaehyun, and Eunha. They were surrounded by the members of BTS. Their glaring eyes bored holes into their skulls.

"I see we meet again, Jaehyun." Snickered the leader of the gang. His jet black hair was slicked back and he held a silver Glock 19 tightly in his grasp.

"Namjoon." Jaehyun mumbled. His tone of voice was laced with pure disgust at the man that held his life in his hands. "What do you want with Jaehee?"

"Boss doesn't give that information out, Jaehyun. You should know that. Now, let's get onto the main show shall we?" A shorter man said with a cocky smile. His full lips were pulled into a devilish grin, his orange bangs covering parts of his hazel eyes. "I see you brought your beautiful women on a job again. The mob ain't for ladies, Jae, so why don't we negotiate and you hand one of em over?"

"Over my dead body, Park Jimin!" Eunha hissed, and threateningly cocked the gun again.

Jimin smirked slightly and nodded his head to someone at the back, signaling them to attack.

A slightly shorter man pressed the trigger of his revolver and aimed it at Eunha's legs, sending the lethal bullet straight into the side of her left calf. A blood curdling scream erupted from the brunette as she fell to the floor in agony, her scarlet blood staining her long elegant dress.

"EUNHA!" Jaehee screamed and shoved herself away from Jungkook, bolting to her friend's side and holding her closely. The gunshot's fire made its deafening sound ricochet off the crimson and gold walls of the mansion, prompting the guests of EXO's gala to run in fear, trying to escape the possible massacre.

"J-Jaehee, run!" Eunha whispered slightly and pushed the latter off of her. The brunette shakily grabbed her gun that was dropped a few feet away from her and aimed it at the mint hair colored man that shot her. "Min Yoongi!" She hissed as she tried to pull the trigger, aiming it at the young man's head.

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