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Hey guys! I'm back~
Thank you guys so much for the sweet messages you all left me, it really did help cheer me up. I'm once again apologizing for the wait but it's here finally! And can I get a pat on the back for making it to 10 chapters? Whoop! Also WOW YOU ALL ARE AMAZING!!!!! Thanks for 3K reads I love you guys so much uwu 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Anyways enjoy~


It's so good btw I'm so WHIPPED FOR RENA

Anyways :)

Author's POV

     Jaehee strutted down the usual dark hallways silently. She had gotten accustomed to it's never ending dimness, and had even managed to memorize most of the shadowed walkways.

     Her stomach churned and she felt her chest tighten at the thought of even going near a drug deal. Let alone actually making one.

     The repetitive "click clack" of her dark heels was all she heard as she walked down with the rather quiet, and ever so sly man named Doyoung. She tried to concentrate on the sound rather than succumb to her fears.

     Jaehee eventually grew frustrated with Doyoung's solemness. She observed that'd he usually be boisterous with the other gang members, but with her, it was as if he was as quiet and somber as a mouse.

     The two continued to walk in silence and eventually neared Jaehyun's infamous office doors.

     The two usual muscular guards that always stood in front of his lair's entrance, rose their guns threateningly, pointing it directly to their countenances.

     She gulped as fear started etching its way into her mind. Staring at the lethal black assault rifle sent all kinds of anxiety throughout Jaehee. She eyed the man's fingers laced onto the safety, his grip on the gun was tight making his knuckles bore a white pigment.

     The guards narrowed their eyes at the pair and spat an order.

     "Identification Card." Said one gaurd. He was a rather plump man, but his height was indescribable. He easily towered over Jaehee, and even Doyoung. His sour face and glaring dark eyes intimidated the quivering noirette.

     Doyoung rolled his eyes and showed his card. "Kim Doyoung, Chief Drug Handler Of NCT."

     "Very well you may enter, Sir." The man said and opened the door for him.

     Jaehee was right behind him and was about to enter until she got shoved.

     "Identification Card. You're not getting away, Miss." The other guard said with a mean look in his dark brown, almost black eyes.

     "I don't have one, sir." Jaehee replied hesitantly. She eyed their fingers move cautiously towards the trigger. She bit her lip nervously and then looked back at the guards.

     Jaehee noticed that they were about to say something -probably threatening- when the doors of Jaehyun's office opened again.

     Jaehyun stood holding the doors firmly with his usual cold and dark demeanor.

     "She's with me, let her in." He simply said.

      The two guards obliged and let Jaehee enter, but didn't allow her to go completely in without giving her a nasty glare.

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