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Johnny and Taeyong stepped forward and bent down to the weeping 18 year old. Her face was stained with damp tears. She only sat there with her head down and her long, thick black messy hair covering her face. Johnny and Taeyong brought out two chains and tied her hands together. Jaehee had no strength left in her to fight back. She allowed them to place the chains on her beaten up wrists.

She halted her silent sobs when two pair of buff arms pulled her up. She didn't squeak a word. She was completely destroyed. Thousands of thoughts raced through her mind. She bit her lip to avoid a whimper from escaping her as she thought of the pain her real mother had to go through.

Taeyong took her chains into his hand and pulled her forward, causing her to nearly fall on the ground if it wasn't for Johnny's strong grip on her forearm.

They walked out of Jaehyuns office and went down a dark hallway. Jaehee's head was kept down and she was dragged to Jaehyun's room. She then breathed deeply. Collecting herself. I need to escape. She thought.

She eyed the rusty chains that trapped her hands and thought of a plan. "Johnny, please let go of my arm, you're hurting it, and if you want to not anger Jaehyun and want me to do well, you'll let go of me at once." She said with a mouse like voice. I can't get trapped like this. I need answers. I need my father...

"That isn't gonna work with me, little bitch." Johnny stopped to whisper in her ear. Jaehyun noticed the lack of movement and turned around. He eyed Johnny's arm on Jaehee, and his closeness to her and glared.

     "Let go of her, Johnny. Now" he growled.

Johnny rolled his eyes and roughly let go.


     No regrets. Jaehee thought. She looked up in front of her and saw that Taeyong was still holding her chains. Jaehyun was in front of Taeyong, and was walking with his back facing towards her.

She cautiously raised her leg, just the slightest bit so Johnny wouldn't notice, then with all her might, she struck the backside of Taeyong's tibia with her black heel.

     It all happened so fast.  Taeyong fell to the ground in pain, clutching his leg. Johnny went to grab Jaehee but she swiftly ducked, making Johnny crash right into Jaehyun, effectively making the pair fall to the floor with a loud thud.

     Johnny's eyes widened in horror. "I'm sorry boss!" He shouted.

      Jaehyun fumed, Johnny had literally screeched into his poor ears. "Get the hell off me, and catch that little bitch!"
Johnny got off of Jaehyun and started running after Jaehee along with Taeyong.

     Jaehee bolted down the corridor, desperately trying to find an escape. She looked back and didn't see Johnny nor Taeyong.

The noirette ran to a dark hallway and stayed in a corner, trying to catch her breath. She sighed in relief as she heard no steps. She turned around to walk down another hallway where she could see a window. She neared the window, opened it, and nearly screamed as she almost fell. "What the fuck...." she muttered. How high am I she mentally yelled as she saw the height she was at.

     She couldn't tell the exact height but she observed that she was about on the 5th floor.

Without second thoughts, Jaehee put her hands on the side of the window's silver frames.

The noirette propped herself on the ledge then shut the window behind her. She was now dangling from the window ledge. She pushed herself as far up against the wall as she possible could.

     She looked slightly to her left and saw a huge black widow etching closer to her face.

     Jaehee's eyes widened and she screamed, losing her balance in the process.

     "AH SOMEONE HELP!" She screamed as she fell off the ledge.

     Jaehee closed her eyes shut and covered her head as best as she could.

    She waited for the impact but it never came. Instead she felt strong muscular arms holding on to her securely.

     Jaehee slowly opened her eyes. Was she dreaming?

     Jaehyun had caught her.

     "Idiot, why would you ever do that?" Jaehyun said with a soft voice which came to a surprise to Jaehee. Her sapphire blue eyes started to water as she stared at Jaehyun.

"Why'd you save me?" She said.

"I....I don't know." Jaehyun said while looking away.

Jaehee didn't know if it was because she nearly died and was hallucinating but she swore she saw the faintest blush on Jaehyun's perfect pale face.

She started to feel awkward as she was still in his hold.

"I'll take you to your room now." Jaehyun said still not meeting her eyes.

He put her back to her feet and walked ahead of her.

They entered the building again and walked inside the elevator.

Jaehee shifted uncomfortably for She was STILL in her dress from the night she was kidnapped.

Jaehyun noticed her discomfort. "You'll have fresh clothes to change into when you get to your room."

Jaehee looked down and blushed a bit. "Wasn't I going to sleep with you?"

Jaehyun looked at her wide eyed. For the scariest gang leader in all of South Korea, Jaehee has to admit he looked like an embarrassed little kid.

"N-no," Jaehyun cleated his throat. "No. You will sleep in your own room." Jaehyun said with a bit more of a stronger voice.

Jaehee bit back a laugh. How can I even think of laughing at a time like this? She thought And shook her head. I must be going crazy.

They finally got out of the elevator and arrived at Jaehee's room. It was on the 11th floor.

As Jaehyun was going to leave, Jaehee held his arm in place. He turned around and eyed her hand on his.

"What?" He questioned.

"I wanted to say thank you.....for saving me. You're not such a bad guy, Jaehyun." She said with a slight smile.

He only stared at her, his usual cold and expressionless face returning and left her there.

Jaehee sighed as she watched him leave without saying a word, then went in her room. She changed her clothes then sat on her bed thinking about everything that happened.

She then heard her floor creek and she jolted up.

"Who's there!?" Jaehee screamed.

"It's me." said a deep voice.

"Show yourself!" She hissed.

Out from the shadows of her dark room came a tall figure.

"Taeyong?" She whispered with fear in her eyes.

He smirked then came closer....


A/N :

Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update. School has been stressing me out SO MUCH lately and it's been holding me back from updating. I'll really try my hardest to continuously update and I might even double update this week as an apology. But anyways, please enjoy Chapter 7! Please continue to support and read this book :D I love you all so much! Thank you so much for 700 reads btw! It's absolutely mind boggling to think that my book could reach such a number! I love you guys so much. Enjoy ☺️
Xoxo 💕~

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