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Jaehee's POV

A light shove on my shoulder wakes me up from my deep sleep. The first thing that greets me is the dimpled smile of Kim Namjoon.

And the usual sour scowl of Min Yoongi.

"Get up." Namjoon says as he loads two hand guns into his black backpack. "Start getting ready. We leave in ten minutes."

I hurriedly scurry out of my bed and head straight to my luggage where tons of clothing options lay inside which were carefully handpicked by Seokjin and Jimin.


Namjoon had just told me to get ready for an upcoming mission and; frankly, I was petrified. Not knowing exactly how I was supposed to "learn how to seduce a man in three days" I figured my only option was to head towards Jin and Jimin; experts flirts.

Not only that, but Namjoon had told me to go to them for a wardrobe fitting for the mission. One thing I learned through being in the mafia was that the image you portrayed, the clothes you wore, the way you spoke—it all was so insanely important. Such tiny details made it known to other mobsters whether you were some pathetic newbie or a high ranking narcotic.

I was currently heading down the ever infamous hallways of BTS's headquarters. Namjoon said Jimin and Jin would be in the "Sky Zone" otherwise known as the tallest floor.

After a while I had arrived to the room they'd be in. It was a giant, basically walk-in closet full of clothes for all sizes and genders.

They both turned around as I stepped in, smiles on both their faces as they waved me over.

"Hey guys!"  I smiled back.

"Jaehee, Namjoon informed us." Jimin said as he brought a giant sketchbook towards a table sitting in the middle of the room. There was a door leading to the clothes themselves at the back of the room.

"Whats that for?" I questioned.

"We're very detailed with when to wear things and when to not. Gotta stay in season." Jin answered. "It's to keep things more organized.

"I see." I replied as Jimin opened the extremely thick book open. He flipped a couple hundred pages until reaching a section that had my name on it.

"Where, exactly, is it that you're going to?" Jin asked me, a curious and slightly concerned expression not leaving his face.

"Namjoon didn't tell you? I thought you said you were informed?"

"He informed us of your upcoming presence in the Sky Zone, not of the mission itself. Now answer the question." Jimin said while not looking at me as he scanned some more pages.


"The mission is in Italy?" Seokjin asked me, raising a suspecting eyebrow. He glanced over at Jimin with a skeptical look on his face then directed his attention back on me. "Namjoon didn't just tell you to say that to us, right? You're not lying?"

"Why would I be lying? Don't tell me there are secrets between you guys, too?"

"The more people know about things, the more likely they'll get killed because of it." Jimin paused for a few seconds. " Don't tell me Namjoon is actually trying to negotiate with that gang."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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