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Author's POV

     Jaehee trailed behind Eunha and didn't say a word. She didn't dare to.

Eunha roughly pushed Jaehee into the gun training room.

It was a large silver colored room. Like your typical shooting range places, it had a room where you shot from targets on the opposing side.

The large targets were placed on the wall. Blood stains could be seen on them which caused Jaehee's face to turn pale due to fright.

"If you want to stay alive in this mafia shit, then you'll have to know how to handle a gun." She says to her. Eunha notices the scared look on Jaehee's face. "Ever seen blood before, princess? You'll need to have the balls to kill someone as well, you know that right? That blood right there came from someone's death." She snickered. "Now let's get started shall we? Do you understand everything so far?"

"I understand." Jaehee replies.

"Good. Grab that gun and shoot me." Eunha says to her with a serious face.

"W-What!? Are you serious? Why would I shoot you?" Jaehee says, absolutely stunned at the brunette in front of her.

"Got a problem with that? Shoot me." Eunha says.

Jaehee hesitantly picks up the revolver and points it at Eunha. Her hands were shaking and she was having trouble having a sturdy grip on the lethal weapon.

"Why are you hesitating? Shoot me." Eunha says again. She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Jaehee drops the gun to the floor. "I can't do it! Why would I shoot you!? Or anyone!?"

"Your life is on the line , princess. It's either you be the shooter or you be the shooted. Mind you, I'm trying to keep you alive. Everyone else wants you dead. Including Jaehyun." Eunha hisses.

"I can't, Eunha." Jaehee softly whispers.

"Okay well that was a test and you failed miserably. Let's do this again. Shoot that target that's in the middle." Eunha orders and turns around to point to the black and red target that was in the middle of the room.

"O-Okay." Jaehee says. She points her revolver at the middle target and takes a deep breath. She closed her eyes and shoots.

Eunha had to literally throw herself on the floor to avoid getting shot. "Are you fucking stupid!?" She screams angrily.

"You said shoot!" Jaehee yells back in her defense.

"Yeah at the target not me! And with your eyes open, are you a dumbass!?" She screams.

"I told you I can't do it!"

"Maybe if you open your fucking eyes it'd be easier." Eunha snaps.

"Again." She orders. "And with opened eyes, you bitch."

"Okay!" Jaehee glares. She again positions herself and takes a deep breath. With her arms stretched out and a firm grip on the handle of the gun she points it at the target. She takes out the safety and shoots the gun.

The bullet lands three inches exactly away from the bulls eye.

Jaehee widens her eyes. "I was close!" She says happily.

"Indeed you were. Do it again." Eunha says.

The two continue to shoot at the targets and continue to train. Eunha also helped Jaehee with her form, as well as her combat with a gun.

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