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Btw guys~ you can picture yourself as Jaehee or anyone you want lel. Also, the picture is Eunha! Yah I'm using my little fluffball Sana to play Eunha in this book, but once again, you can picture anyone you like! Love you guys, enjoy~

Jaehee's POV

"Furthermore, that is why people believe in evolution." The teacher blabbered. I wasn't paying attention at all. Memories of what happened earlier with Taeyong kept lingering in my mind.

     I haven't seen Eunha yet and it's 3rd period. That could only mean that I don't have her in three classes! Ugh dumb school why must you separate me and my Eunhie? That's what I call her but she hates it kekeke.

"Miss Kang, are you listening?" The teacher asked irritatedly. I heard an obnoxious snicker from the back of the class and I already knew it was that dumb playboy Taeyong.

     "I'm sorry what were you saying, Sir?" I said with a smile.

     He sighed, frustrated, then asked again. "What is the difference between Biblical Creationism and Evolution?"

     "What? I have no idea, um shit what do I do?" I thought.


      " I can answer for her." A gentle voice said to my right. I turned to see who it was and saw the cutest person ever. He had fluffy brown hair with bangs that covered most of his face. His high cheekbones, small, cute nose and sharp eyes made him look absolutely handsome.

     "Very well ,Jeno," my teacher said narrowing his eyes at me, " go on."

     "Biblical Creationism is based on principles and teachings of the Bible. Creationists often use the Bible when making a scientific standpoint. Evolution, however, goes off of the ideas of experiments, facts, and theories." said Jeno, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

     Well now I feel stupid. He turned to me when he was done and winked at me. I felt my cheeks flush. The teacher continued on the lecture until the bell rang signifying my favorite time of the day. Lunch.

As I was packing my stuff, I dropped my book on the floor. I went to bend down and get it, but someone beat me to it.

     "You should be careful, you nearly dropped it on your foot. You could've gotten hurt." Jeno said which made my heart flutter a bit.

     "Ah it's ok, it wouldn't have hurt too bad anyways haha," I awkwardly said, "um thanks by the way, for um...helping me with my book. Oh and also for answering that question! I felt really stupid since you answered with such confidence." I said with a little laugh.

     He chuckled a bit and continued helping me with packing my stuff.
"Would you like to sit with me at lunch? Since you're new, you probably don't have many friends yet."

     "I was actually going to sit with my friend Park Eunha, can she sit with us too?"

Jeno's eyes widened just the slightest at the name.

      Um okay? I thought.

     "O-Of course, lets go find her." Jeno said after regaining his composure. He smiled at me.


Author's POV

"EUNHIEEEEEE!" Jaehee shouted as she saw her best friend talking with another girl. "I haven't seen you in years, girl, we don't even have the first three periods together." Jaehee said with a fake cry and a dramatic hand over her heart.

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