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Author's POV

     Taeyong stood towering before the frightened noirette. Her long, black, curly hair hid her fearful sapphire orbs.

     "What do you want, T-Taeyong?" She said while backing up.

     Taeyong noticed this and continued to step closer towards her until her back hit the wall.

     He smirked. "Doesn't this remind you of our first encounter?" He said seductively while whispering into the crook of her neck.

Jaehee shoved him off her, and ran towards the door. She put her hands on the handle, but the golden knob wouldn't budge. She quickly turned around only to crash right into Taeyong's hard chest.

"J-Jaehy-...!" Jaehee tried to scream but her useless cries were muffled by Taeyong's rough hands. With his other hand he traced her elegant features.

"I see why he had his eyes on you, Jaehee. Not only are you rich, but you're also beautiful. A girl like you would be worth millions of dollars if sold to the black market." He smirked.

Her eyes widened. "B-black market!?" She yelled, finally getting free of his hands. She was however, still trapped against the door.

"Listen closely, Jaehee. You may be in our gang, but from today on you will secretly follow my orders, am I clear?" He said while teasingly pressing himself up against her.

"What about Jaehyun?" Jaehee asked confused. A light tint of pink was slightly visible on her cheeks.

"Oh my! Have you already grown feelings for him? Weren't you in love with Jeno yesterday? Or are you a slut?" He snickered.

Jaehee glared at him. "I am not in love with anyone that is affiliated with such sinful matters! Neither will I EVER fall in love with them. Jeno...Jeno is an asshole and so is Jaehyun. There is no way in Hell that I'd ever get myself romantically involved with them!" She hissed.

"Are you sure about that?" He leaned in closer to her face so that his nose barely touched hers. "How do I make you feel?" Taeyong said while trailing his hand down her waist.

"Disgusting! You make me feel disgusting! Now get off me, you son of a bitch!" She fumed then slapped him causing him to jerk his head and lose balance. She pushed him again so that he fell on the floor.

"Now YOU will listen to me! If you ever touch me again I will have Jaehyun kill you!" She hissed while stepping onto his chest with her heel. "Do i make MYSELF clear?" She imitated him with a smirk.

Taeyong chuckled. "I see you're not just some crying bitch. You've got potential in you from what I observe. However, you're no match for me, princess." He quickly kicked her leg causing her to fall on the ground with a thud. She had no time to react before Taeyong climbed on top of her and straddled her waist.

"What a change of events, huh Jaehee?" He chuckled. "As I was saying. You will work for me whether you want to or not. Or else, you'll get to meet my deagle."

"Deagle?" Jaehee asked confused and out of breath.

"Dessert Eagle. A gun." He said seriously.

"You wouldn't dare." She glared.

Taeyong cocked out his gun and aimed it straight at her forehead. "Try me." He smirked.

Jaehee gulped, but collected herself again. Little does he know what I can do.

She kneed his privates in an instant causing him to groan in pain and fall to the floor. She hurriedly picked up his gun that he dropped, and aimed it at HIS head.

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