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Jaehee's POV

It all happened so quickly. I had no time to react nor think in that instance, but it happened. My only thought was why?


Was it because I wasn't strong enough?

Was I so weak that Jaehyun really had to die?

The gunshot wound—it mocked me as its crimson essence poured down onto my hands. It stained my wrists making its way all the way down to my thighs, drowning me in the blood of my leader.

His complexion, though pale by birth, breathed no hint of color.

His usual rosy cheeks and dimpled smile were gone—never to be seen again.

I cried.


The tears wouldn't stop pouring down my face as I tried everything I could to stop the bleeding. My hands shakily pressed down on his wound futilely.

It was no use.

Jung Jaehyun was dead.

And it was all my fault.

He had held my hands on his dying breath, the heaving of his chest falling and rising rapidly.

"Jaehee, I'm sorry for everything. You deserved so much more." He had kept repeating to me, making my sobs all the more agonizing.

His deep brown eyes stared at mine for a few seconds, a weak grin spreading across his pale lips. "Forgive me." He mouthed before his eyes rolled back and his chest ceased.

"Jaehyun!" I must have screamed at the top of my lungs. A gust of pain erupted throughout my chest, making me gasp for breath. I choked on my own cries and fell on top of his body, pleading to God to bring him back.

His hand was still gently wrapped around mine, only now it was stone cold and devoid of any sign of life.

"Why couldn't it have been me?" I had whispered as I cradled his head in my arms, expecting him to magically wake up.

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