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A/N : read the Author's Note at the bottom!

Jaehee's POV

A violent jolt was all it took to yank me out of the ever volatile dream world. A gasp escaped my lips as I recalled all the horrendous scenes in my sleep. My face was damp, nose runny, and heart pounding—another damn nightmare.

Looking around my surroundings, the familiar, luxurious setting of Namjoon's private jet assured me that I was no longer dreaming. I hurriedly got out of my seat, legs wobbling as my body adjusted to my now conscious state.

A scowling "tsk" flew by my ears as my eyes landed on the ever judgmental glare of Min Yoongi. The skilled shooter looked at me with a great annoyance,

"Namjoon's in the back."

That was all that left his lips before he ,too, stood up to wander around the aircraft.

With a puzzled look on my face, I headed towards the back of the plane, palms sweating and hands shaking as I slowly balled my fists to knock on the expensive door frame.

A muffled "Come in" could be heard from the inside.

Taking the invitation, I wrapped my hands around the door handle and walked into the vast suite.

"Jaehee? I see you're awake."

His head turned ever so slightly to the side, concerned eyes scrutinizing me before once again opening his mouth to speak.

"Are you well? Your eyes are a bit red."

"Rough sleep." I answered curtly, not wanting to be reminded of the dream I had.

"Very well." Namjoon placed down the book he was reading on the side of his bed and adjusted his glasses onto the bridge of his defined nose. "What brings you to my suite?"

"The mission."


"Your details were rather vague, I need to be informed of what will happen exactly. I'd ask Yoongi, but he doesn't seem to be the conversational type."

"We're traveling to Italy for a negotiation deal. An Italian Mafia gang wants to bargain on trade routes that we have set up in Ilsan."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"This group isn't exactly on the best terms with us. I figured you could help us convince them."

"How exactly am I supposed to do that? I'm a rookie, no one respects me."

Namjoon chucked darkly sending a chill up my spine.

"You're apart of the deal."

My heart dropped, a nauseating feeling settling at the pit of my stomach.

"W-What?" I slowly backed away from Namjoon.

"Theres no use in trying to escape, Jaehee. What will you do? Jump off the plane?"

He was right. I was trapped.

"Fret not," He assured, resuming his—what I hoped—cheerful expression. "When we hand you over, you only have to get close enough to their leader to kill him. We're not selling you out, you have my word."

"Namjoon, how am I supposed to do that?" I started questioning his sanity, in all honesty. How am I supposed to kill him when I'm being offered? I assume they'll have my wrists tied or my mouth gagged or something.

"Figure out a way or else we all die." Namjoon spoke abruptly, almost as if sensing my racing thoughts.


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