(Y/N) the Juggling Clown

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Second Person POV

You giggled, juggling some colourful pins which were given to you by the circus. The ooh's and ahh's from the children never seemed to stop amusing you. You just loved entertaining children so much, it made you shake with joy.

After adding eight pins to your juggling act, you decided it was time to spice things up. Since there weren't many children in Derry who attended the circus, it was up to the workers to match up their audience- which in this case, was adults.

"Let's Add A Little Clowny Twist- ey?" You grinned, turning to look at the dead audience. A sigh escaped your red painted plump lips.

"(Y/F/N) Add the next thing!" You cued your best friend, who had decided to join your runaway plans to the circus and became a clown with you.

A few minutes passed- yet nothing. You furrowed your eyebrows and turned your head slightly to the backstage- where (Y/F/N) should have came out from.

"(Y/F/N)....?" You whispered, feeling distracted and almost dropping the pins. Suddenly a giggle came from the stage.

You turned around, still juggling the pins.

"Now now......Not To Worry!" The voice said, it was raspy- and high pitched. The sound of bells slowly approaching towards the stage.

"Pennywise is here to save the day!" The audience thinking it was all part of the act cheered- mostly the children.

"Oh-Pennywise!" You had to act fast and improvise- you didn't know the circus got a new clown, you shrugged it off and made a note to argue with (Y/F/N) to why she wasn't here at the moment.

"I'm so glad you're here! Now come! Let's all welcome Pennywise!" You smiled while giggling. You took a step to your right, the tall clown jumping to stage. The audience applauded and the clown-Pennywise bowed.

"Hurry up and add the other object- newbie...." you whispered so the crowd wouldn't here.

"With Pleasure...." he replied, his golden eyes staring at you. Suddenly the sound of a chainsaw silenced the room.

You eyes widened-what the hell was this clown doing with a chainsaw?! You began panicking.

"Now give it up for....(Y/N) the Juggling Clown!" The voice- clearly taunting you, projected across the circus carp. Suddenly he threw the chainsaw at you and you lost your balance, dropping two of the pins and juggling the Chainsaw. Shit shit shit! You looked at the crowd and they seemed to be enjoying the sight.

"What the hell are you doing?" You whispered to the- now seeming to you-crazy Clown.

"Pleasing the Crowd Sweets" Pennywise murmured, smiling to the crowd, you noticed his bunny-like front teeth and shivered.

"Next! Next!" The crowd cheered, clapping their hands, seeming to come to life from the undead silence. You sighed, well now I can say I juggled a chainsaw you thought sourly.

"Now!...." Pennywise grabbed an object from- out of nowhere seemingly and showed it to the crowd. It was one of the pins you dropped, but the top was sparking with fire. You visibly gulped and smiled at the crowd uneasily.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" The whole crowd chanted your name and more people seemed to enter to the carp. Whatever he's doing- he seems like a professional you thought, impressed.

The clown chuckled and suddenly- not one....But two! More of the fire pins appeared on his hands. He began juggling them along with you and the crowd clapped loudly.

You looked at the Clown next to you, feeling at ease due to the look of joy he had on his face. He was enjoying himself just as much as you were.

"Give it Up For Pennywise Folks!" You Yelled loudly, the cheering seeming to erupt.

"Pennywise and (Y/N)! Pennywise and (Y/N)!" You let your eyes wonder to the clown once more, this time you notice the red lines that adorned his face, along with his red nose and matching lips. Simple but Classy you nodded in approval which seemed to get his attention. His face turned to you and a devilish smile took over his lips.

He suddenly threw one of the pins to you and you traded it for another pin accidentally. The crowd Gasped. Woah! I didn't know I could do that you thought, a grin of pride taking over your lips.

"Well Done....Young Clown" the clown complimented and you smirked. You felt powerful and a wave of confidence came to you.

"Not so bad yourself Pennywise" you complimented Back, which made him raise his- where his eyebrows should be- in an unamused way.

He suddenly switched the other two pins for the chainsaw and 4 more of your non-firey pins. You gasped and the crowd went wild, no one noticing that nervous gasp that left you.

After a while of juggling, Pennywise then guided his objects to the ground like an expert juggler. You mimicked his movement, thinking the act was done. The crowd stood up and began clapping, Pennywise turned to you and extended his gloved hand to you.

"Let's Dance....Sweets" he whispered- you merely caught that and made eye contact with him. An involuntary blush making its way to your pale painted cheeks.

How was that for a performance? Heh Mid Inamoratos~

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