(Y/N) the Juggling Clown 2

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"Let's Dance....Sweets" he whispered- you merely caught that and made eye contact with him. An involuntary blush making its way to your pale painted cheeks.


"B-But isn't the act done?" You whispered in confusion. He merely chuckled in response.

"This is a Duet, we've done your side of the act, now it's my side." He pulled you towards his chest and leaned in, his head on the crook of your neck.

"Y-You Dance?" You murmured, surprised.

"Well....I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" He shook his body to the sides, making the bells attached to his suit jingle.

"Did you think I juggled or something?" He leaned your body to the ground and old themed music started playing. His bright yellow eyes that reminded you of cheese, turned to look at the crowd.

"Could have fooled me..." You mumbled. Suddenly he let go of you, your body landing to the dusty ground with a small 'oomph'.

He laughed, the crowd giggling along with him. You rolled your eyes and jumped to a standing position.

"Oh it's so On Pennywise!" She playfully growled, the crowd loving the act.

The tune being the usual circus theme.

"Ta Ta Tarada Ta~" Pennywise hummed laughing, which made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Each to its own likes then, you thought with a small giggle.

Pennywise began to move both of his hands up and down, then kicked his legs out, one at a time, seeming like an easy dance technique, You mimicked it.

"Is that all you got?" You were now in sync with his dancing, before sticking your hand into the pocket of your blue overall dress. You were wearing a blue overall dress with a matching striped shirt and leggings. You took out a silver top hat with colourful feathers on the side.

"Let's Dance!" You Yelled doing a backflip, throwing the hat into thin air. Once landing on the ground the hat landing on your head, a bit crookedly, but on your head nevertheless.

The crowd gasped and began cheering, some whistles going across the stage. You did your 'shy' pouty look, which made your bottom red painted lip pop, your finger on your bright red nose.

"Awww Shucks!" You said with a southern accent.

"I'm getting all Red Folks!" You pointed at your cheeks, which were ironically painted the same colour red as your nose. The crowd laughed along with your 'little joke'.

"Hmmm- Well Played young Clown" Pennywise's voice sent shivers down your spine. He walked over to you and ran a finger down your cheek, the crowd growing eerily quiet. What was he doing? You thought nervously.

He suddenly gripped your silver dyed messy hair and flopped it on your face. Knocking your hat to the ground in the process. You froze, the crowd stood still for a few minutes.
Laughter burst around the whole circus carp.

You laughed sarcastically before flipping your hair back. You walked up to the evil clown, who was busy laughing along with the crowd, then pulled his trousers all the way up to his chest. He made a struggled noise before holding the space between his legs in pain. The pants pulled really tight in the spot. The laughter turned to insane cackles from the crowd- Your were surprised in the very least to say how this crowd reacted. Before Pennywise Could do anything to you, the ring master came out and clapped.

"Now everyone, let us Thank these two Silly clowns for such an spectacular show!" He boomed out loudly. The crowd cheered and some popcorn was spilled, someone even thought it was funny to throw their bra at pennywise's face, making you laugh until you fell to the ground, holding your stomach in pain. His reaction was just priceless, he looked like a little kid who went through his mom's underwear drawing and used the bra as a head accessory. Yes, he had a bra strapped to his head.

The ring master nodded his head towards you and Pennywise picked you up, still laughing loudly. The crowd whistled and made some noise.

"Let's Give One More Round To These Performers!" He chuckled, clearly Avoiding the fact that he didn't know your name so didn't say it. But Who'd Blame Him? It is a big circus after all, you thought, before it led to Pennywise's choice in head wear.

After a few minutes, you were a panting mess that was still laughing, you bet your makeup was in ruins after the tears that fell from such a hearted laugh, but you couldn't seem to stop, and Pennywise's face of annoyance didn't help your case one bit.

"Are you done Laughing (Y/N)?" He had long ago taken the bra off after other circus members laughed as well. You swore his cheeks were tainted red through that thick white paint.

"Y-Ye- Hahahahaha!" You Laid on the ground and closed your eyes, taking deep breaths, although it sounded like a whale trying to breathe through its mouth, you managed to sort of calm yourself down. You opened your eyes and found yourself staring at bright blue eyes, making you freeze.

"Ummm......not to make it awkward or anything......but you're on top of me...." you said awkwardly which in reply Pennywise chuckled.

"I know."

Jk jk!
Well you see.....Happy New Years! And Christmas and Hanukkah and other stuff!!! Just Happiness!!!
How did ya like it?

- With Luvvz

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