🍭Little Girl🍭

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He took my hand in his and chuckled. Smooth clothed gloves hugged his hands tightly. I followed his tall figure across the circus, I was walking with a stranger I just met......Hand in hand.... Starting to regret my decision and came to a halt.

The figure Immediately turned around, it's large intimidating height slouching over me.

"Little girl.....are you perhaps regretting our deal? You know you can't back up from it now....." his voice was rough yet childish. A mere whisper in the sea of voices created by the children all over the place. It's amazing how everyone is so oblivious....I thought sourly.

Shaking my head, the clown grinned, his bucked teeth showing, before continuing our trek across the circus.

Once we were a far enough distance, the clown abruptly stopped before looking around.

"Uh....a-are we...." I stopped mid sentence because the clown had began walking once more.

After a while of walking, he stood in front of what seemed a car. The words in fancy font decorating the lively cart.

"Penny......" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around my small frame while shivering. I let my eyes roam around the cart, it was what one would believe to be......those stage cars!

A wide grin spread on my face as I forgot the cold and walked towards the intriguing car that reminded me of my childhood.

My fingertips touched the cold surface of the cart in which seemed to come to life at contact.

Suddenly two strong hands turned my body around rapidly as the my back was now forcefully against the surface.

"I've been watching you......" the clown murmured. Involuntarily I held my breath, his gloved hands rubbing circles on my waist.

"Y-You have.....?" My voice was a mere squeak. His hands, his touch, his everything made me want to forget that I was in the middle of nowhere at the mercy of a stranger. Shit...where am I? That seemed to have done it. I pushed the clown off, the sudden unexpected movement making him look up to my face in confusion.

"I- I'm sorry, I regret this." I took out my purse and threw him a few dollars I had in order to make up for 'the effort'. After throwing the money at his face, I dashed.

Running through the woods straight was stupid, but it was better than staying with him, or near him. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!

Jumping over trunks and rocks I ran until I heard the faint lullaby of the circus. I was thanking my athletic skills and sports practice at the moment........

"(Y/N) where are you running off to?" The taunting voice echoed. The faint lullaby of the circus muting.

•*•*•Author's Note•*•*•
Sorry I took Sooo Long To Upload Again!

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