Beep Beep (Y/N) 2

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The woman smiled at you back and looked back to the old mint green two story building.

"Come on Dear! Let's go...!" The woman-Audra motioned her husband to follow. You were about to greet Audra before she froze, her eyes narrowing at the red balloon.

You raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong- Ms. Audra?" You waved your palm in front of her eyes, but she was frozen in spot.

"M-Mr....Uh" You stumbled upon your Male neighbor's name, not really knowing it.

"Denbrough. Mr Denbrough, but you may Call me Bill" he offered with a small smile and a brief nod. You gave him a sided smile in return, worrying about his wife who was currently frozen in place.

"Mr Denbr- Bill, Is your wife alright there?" You tilted your head to the side, inspecting the woman. He stared at you-a moment too long for your likes before nodding.

"Audra and I were just heading back." He mumbled in deep thought. Something seemed to click on his wife when she regained her posture.

"Stay Away!" She hissed glaring at you and suddenly taking her husband along.

"Don't talk to us or even approach us- y-you demonic hell riser!" She accused you, her change in character leaving you wide eyed.

"O-okay?" You blinked a few times before slowly stepping back and running to your porch.

You stumbled with your keys before slamming the Mahogany Wooded door open. You then slammed it shut and made sure to lock it. What was up with this town? You thought honestly confused.

You smiled at the balloon and decided it would look nice tied around your white roses by the window. You wrapped the string of the balloon around the flower vase of the roses and giggled. Perfect! You smiled cheekily to how the roses and balloon looked.

"If Only I had more to make it- look pretty" You mumbled slightly slumping your shoulders before heading upstairs to your room. You decided to clean up and shower the sweat off.

Taking out the stickie note of your bra you place it on your full body mirror, along with some pictures of your family members.

You hummed a happy tune as you got your necessities from your closet and drawer before heading into the bathroom. You set your things down on the table, this is a big bathroom you thought in awe. You undid your Pony tail, letting your (Hair/Type) (H/C) down.

"Well- (Y/N) you made a friend- and two frienemies on your first day in Derry!" You looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Now- we must make sure those frienemies become our friends!" You cheered yourself up with a small pep talk and finally decided to undress and shower.

After letting the bathroom steam for a few minutes, you got in the warm shower, shivering in delight. It was warm enough but not too warm or cold, just how you liked it.

"Me Enamore- Me Enanamore~" you sang in the shower, giggling at your voice at times. You washed your hair, brushed through the tangled mess then proceeded to wash your body. Finally you washed your face, leaving the soap there while rinsing your body off.

"....Mira que boquita más redondita..." You kept singing, then rinsed your whole body off, along with the soap on your face.

The feeling of a cold breeze on your back made you halt. An uneasy feeling took place in your stomach and you stopped Singing, the only noise being the water droplets hitting your shower tiles.

Rushingly you washed the soap off your face turning to look at the door for any sign of life. Your eyes caught a glimpse of red and white before soap entered your eyes.

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