To Fear or Not To Fear? (Preview)

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With a wide grin, You couldn't believe it! First Audition in a School Musical.....and you got an Important part!

Feeling as if you'd jump up and down, hug your fellow peer and just completely explode with took a deep breath and regulated your breathing. Alright (Y/N)! Get Yourself Together! You're With The Professionals Now! You reminded yourself and walked away, starting off your second semester of a college sophomore in a much happier mood.

"Congrats!" Mikaila commented, walking by as you felt like you could rule the world.

"Thank you! You too!" You told Mikaila, for that she had gotten Mrs Potts.

Knowing who almost everyone in the cast was, you decided to wait for your Beast. You Heard his name was Bill, but hadn't had the pleasure to meet him, so you couldn't help but feel anxious.

Once reaching the large classroom with a small amount of students, you took a seat. Waving your teacher a good morning and starting your day.

Once it was afternoon, it was time for a small check-in and then You'd be split off into two groups. Group A, would head to a small classroom, known as the Choir Room. Group B, would head to the stage, within the theatre.

You were to practice your Song, called 'Home'. This was your chance to meet your Beast and make a great impression! Sure, you're not looking for a best friend.....but getting along seems nice. After all, he and you will get into some crazy stunts during the musical.

You gulped. What if you were too heavy for him? They wouldn't pick you if that was true.....right?

With a New Found Fear.....You walked to the Choir Room. As usual, you were the first one there.

Author's Note ~

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the delay, but my writing has changed so much, I'm afraid to post and for it to not be the same, have a small splurb of what I'm planning to post on this Saturday! From now on, I'll be a more structured writer and post every saturday, I've also been working on another novel, but this will be less love related. It's more of a sci-fi adventure with a female protagonist, based after the IT Chapter 2 movie. I'll be posting more about it later on!

Lots of Kisses ~ LP <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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