(Y/N) The School's Optimism!

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(Y/N)'s POV
Taking a deep few breaths, you go over your 3 Points of Joy today. You usually found 3 reasons to be happy everyday in the morning, to not only keep your positive energy through out the entire day, but help others and be a better person everyday.

"First." You hummed, looking at your (E/C) sparkling eyes in the mirror reflection. Today you were wearing a black skater skirt, some black leggings under and a maroon large sleeved knit sweater. It hugged your torso just fine, and held from your collarbone, giving you this cute look. You grinned like a madman, snapping at the sudden thought.
"Let's be happy about this cute outfit! Which will match those white converse, and a white big jean jacket!" You jumped enthusiastically in your cramped bathroom. "Let's also be happy about it being a Monday....." you began making the mental notes. "And lastly- let's be happy because today Comic Club Meets!" You hummed in contentment and checked yourself in the mirror, one last time.

Your (h/c) cascaded Down your small body. Making a twirl, putting on some lotion and not perfume- because your Yoga teacher is allergic to it- you walked out of the bathroom, closing the white wooden door behind you and entering your room. It was perhaps four times bigger than your 10 feet cramped bathroom- and not as big as other  rooms in the whole town of Derry, but you were comfortable and that's the only thing that mattered. Happy Brain, Persistent Thoughts and Happy Body! You reminded yourself the Monday Motto. You put on your white converse and matching large jeans jacket.

"Morning Mum and Dad!" You grabbed your backpack from your joyous room and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Your loud greeting woke them up, as always. You were their alarm, and day starter.

"Morning Sweetie!" They replied, your step father making his way to your step brother's room. They were step family members, but....they will always be a step closer to actual family members than your actual father will ever be. Giggling at your own silly pun, you set your backpack near the main entrance mahogany door and skipped into the kitchen. (A/N You Call Your Step Dad- Dad. Just cuz ^ well that)

"Waffles? Or Eggs?" You asked your brother, as he walked downstairs. He would get ready faster than your parents due to the fact that his clothes were set and ready the day before. His long black hair reaching his shoulders was being tamed by the black hairbrush in his hand.

"Ummmm Pancakes!" He decided, finally taming his hair all the way.

"Alrighty!" You replied with a grin, taking out the ingredients. As you made breakfast you chatted with your younger sibling.

"So- Today's Motto....Is?" You began, your brother groaning in annoyance.

"Happy Thoughts Happy Brain? And Happiness?" He mumbled, not sure. You giggled in response.

"That's My Motto Silly!" You stuck your tongue at him.

"No! It's mine!" He replied huffing.

"Nope! I made it up first~ So It's Mine!" You replied childish, setting some of the pancakes on plates. Your brother stood up and began putting the extra stuff. Honey, Fruits, and a glass of Milk.

"Mine!" He replied, getting annoyed as he placed everyone's ready plate on the table.

"But....." You began, before your Mum glared at you.

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