Two Ways

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One last breath.
That's all I could take before his claws drew me in. Not even a small warning. His embrace was much like jumping into a shivering cold lake. Shocking, but....somehow comforting after the impact hit.

The sirens and yells of my name were blurred- blocked out by the thick murky water.

"Open Your Eyes....." his soothing deep voice tempted. Like dark chocolate- bitter to the taste but an addicting aftertaste.

Some people would be shivering- frightened, lost, or perhaps even regretful. Screaming for help, swimming once more to the surface.

But not me. Is that why he picked me? Because I seek comfort from him? Instead of running from, I run to.....was that why?

They may call me foolish...for running to the beast unarmed....but even then, those hairy monsters under our beds want to be held close and comforted.

Perhaps this, clown like- chapped painted faced being looked for that comfort as well? Humans are, known as an intelligent being for the mere fact that we feel, think, and act. We learn. We take things in. We have a consciousness.

My (E/C) slowly opened, the dense water blurring and much like the darkness- coating my sight. His presence was behind me, I could feel it. Not warm, but there. A solid with no heartbeat. A being beyond our universe.

I lean my head backwards, against a solid. Silk like over my body. Massaging my tense muscles and pulling me deeper.

For a second....I forget the need to breathe. His figure stands in front of me, slender, tall and almost unrecognisable. I reach out to caress his cheek, almost as if proving to myself....this isn't a dream.

His hand cups mine as his baby soft skin leans into my touch. His other hand pulls me closer as the hands all over my body disappear.

"Let Yourself Go....." his dark voice purred, a whisper in my head echoing. As his body touches mine, I feel his rather long, tongue run up my shoulder.

With one last taste, he pulls back and opens his mouth wide. A heavenly light shines within....his pure soul drawing me in. Becoming one with him. I smile as his warmth finally engulfs my body.

The beast bit down on the living corpse. Blood flowing and tainting the water. It's loud chomps drawing the yells of sorrow. As bystanders watched, the beloved (Y/N)'s familiar face resurfaced.

Only the head remained, decapitated with a hollow sweet smile. The mournful mother's shriek echoed down the dark misty woods.

Today's Morning Papers revealing that yesterday, the head of a young teenager was found. No longer a few hours afterwards, the teenager's mother's corpse was found in their home. Hanging from a rope with red balloons tied around it. Unlike her child's, her smile was imprinted horror and pain.

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