Beep Beep (Y/N) 3

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Finally, after a long and calm walk, you were finally at the store. Smiling, you unplugged your earbuds and put them away in your purse. Receiving odd looks from others- you decided to wave at them and greet them. A smile a day makes the world a better place! You said to yourself with a slight giggle.

You nodded and smiled at the others who seemed to have seen better days. After grabbing a basket you began roaming the aisles. Your feet seemed to move you to the refrigerators, probably on command of your hungry stomach.

"Water......Coffee.......Gatorade....Ah!" You came to a sudden stop. Your stomach filled with giddy as you grabbed the coconut water. Ever since you were young you always loved coconut water, although others hated it- it seemed like heaven to you. Your little heaven and peace maker. After placing the drink in your basket you walked to the vegetable aisle, deciding to make soup.

After finally gathering all the groceries you needed- and another basket - you lined up to pay. You took a moment to look around, the people of Derry seemed quiet and boring, honestly a sloth is much more fun to watch than them you murmured to yourself pitifully. They needed some joy- happiness! Anything to make them put those frowns- UPSIDE DOWN! You grinned deciding that perhaps being a teacher would change that. To inspire the young generation and make the town a Happy Place!

Once the line moved along, you moved with them. In front of you was a mother with her son. He was carrying her groceries and seemed to have a slight stutter. Your heart fluttered in thought of how he was helping his mom. The kids here are such sweethearts! you thought a warm giddily feeling settling within your stomach.

"Lovely Day Isn't it?" you grinned, talking to the mother of the child. The mother turned to look at you. Her brown curled hair cascading and silky, you had to be honest- her hair was gorgeous. She returned the grin, her smile softening once meeting your eyes.

"It is- say dear, you're not from here are you?" she asked, which anyone would have found slightly insulting for the bluntness, but you didn't. You nodded, her son turning to look at you, wow- not only do they have gorgeous hair.....but eyes too! You couldn't help looking between the mother and child. Child.Mother.Child.Mother. Your eyes going back and forth.

The woman chuckled and her son looked at you with a weird face. His trust walls are up, indeed.

"Yes, I'm actually the new teacher at Derry High School." You replied proudly, suddenly her son dropped his groceries.

The mother gasped loudly. The child looked at his mother apologizing with his face as he bent to pick the groceries up. The mother sighed loudly and chuckled, turning to look at you.

"Finally, Maybe you could help my dear billy here- with his...problem." the mother said, her eyes sparkling with hope- yet that soft smile imprinted in her face. You immediately nodded in reply. Your grin turned to a broad smile as you put your basket down and stuck out your hand. She took your hand, shaking it and then pulling you to a hug. This took you by surprise with a slight gasp escaping your lips.

"Oh ma' need for hugs- I believe your son might feel uncomfortable with his mother hugging his-soon to be- teacher" you chuckled in response. The woman laughed and patted your back, her son had already started putting the groceries on the cashier table.

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