Beep Beep (Y/N) 4

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First day At Work. You felt like many butterflies made a home in your stomach. Rather than feeling giddy, happy, or felt nervous, anxious, and scared. Come On! (Y/N) You Got This! You mentally tried cheering yourself, but that didn't make those pesky butterflies leave.

You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time before sighing. Your Smokey eyeshadow done to the best of your ability, making your (E/C) gorgeous eyes pop a bit more, simple red shade of lip gloss to make your usual smile badazzle a bit more, and lastly, your cascading long flowing (H/C) curls framing your petit body perfectly.

"Here....Goes Nothing...." You whispered, taking a deep breath before turning around and making your way out of your neat modern looking room.

The clicking of your crimson red heels echoed in your new home as you made your way down the stairs. Research shows that the colour red is very eye catching, and in order to have the kids pay attention- red you shall wear. Not too much, of course you thought.

I don't want to be too much on the first day! You define yourself as quite the handful, so for these kids- you had to be slow at introducing your true nature.

Wearing black skinny jeans that made your legs seem more muscular and longer, you topped off your cute outfit with a white simple blouse and a red matching crimson blazer. Very Classy You murmured proudly.

Ever since you gifted dear Penny the cute bracelet you made, you hadn't heard from him. It was handmade, since he meant that much to you. Well now anyways. After all, he was your first acquaintance, and the first person- only person actually - to give you something, you thought it'd only be fair to give it back.

Hoping he really loved that knitted black bracelet with a red balloon charm with his name imprinted. Where did you get the charm? Easy, from the internet. Although you partially made the bracelet, it still took your time and effort.

With a quick glance of your watch, you finished your chocolate pancakes and grabbed your red briefcase and made your way to the school. Not wanting to waste gasoline, you decided to walk. It wasn't much of a deal since heels were not too challenging for you to walk in!

You don't get around as a secretary in tennis shoes anyways. You grumbled, hating the first few months of your previous job.

While walking to your job, the chilly feeling of someone's eyes on you made goosebumps go all over your body. Making sure to look around, you noticed there wasn't anyone on the street. Like usual, it was empty.

Where are my kids? You thought questioningly. You're two hours before the school even opens! Your subconscious nagged at you. Being punctual and prepared was something that you were taught since a very young age. Which of course, you were grateful for.

Reaching the school gates, you opened the gate and closed it behind you. Noticing it was already unlocked, you decided to leave it as that. Perhaps Mr Bowers was here early? That seemed to be the only reasonable explanation.

Suddenly, the thought of the mother and son from the super market made your heart skip a beat. Why? Well, because Billy was standing in the hallway, looking straight at you, wearing the same clothes from that exact day at the supper market.

"U-Um.....Hey There Billy!" You greeted sweetly, putting away the obvious gut wrenching fear that you were feeling momentarily.

"You're here early!" You chirped, making your way to the young boy.

That is until a creepy blunt smile decorated his lips. The clicking of your brand new heels came to a stop as you stared at him, your smile softening. Perhaps he just had a creepy smile?

"I'm super glad you're here! Now I won't get so.........lonely?" Before you even finished your sentence, the young pupil started running.

Your eyes widened as you saw him run to the right of the hallway. Why was he running away?! Before you began panicking, you started following him as an instinct.

"H-Hey! Come back! Are you alright?" You yelled, worriedly.

The slender brunette pupil made his way into a classroom before you even reached him. Slowing your pace down, you halted in front of the door and checked to see the classroom number.

"Class 27" was imprinted on a plastic square. This was your classroom! A grateful smile came to your face as you began making your way inside. Silly boy, he could have just told you to follow him!

Expecting to see Bill inside your classroom, you made your way to the desk and started setting up. Putting your red briefcase down and taking out the needed files.

"Hey Bill, thank you so much for leading me to my classroom. Next time, please use your words, It's rude to...." Your confident and scolding voice came to a halt as you suddenly look up. Your (E/C) eyes coming to contact with.....not Billy?

You furrowed your eyebrows as a gorgeous man wearing a tailored suit leaned against the wall in the back of your classroom. He was quite tall and had a goofy smile plastered on his lips.

"Y-You're not B-Billy?" You stuttered, baffled by such beauty as you clearly ignored the fact that he was a stranger in school property. gorgeous! You think eye widened. Your actions coming to a full stop as you just stand there watching the male. Taking every detail of his profile greedily in, your mouth slightly gaping.

The male let out a heavenly soothing deep noise. What are those things called again? Chuckle. Right. He began making his way to you, powerful strides with his long legs making him reach you within seconds.

"Oh Sweet Sweet (Y/N)....but I am Bill..." The lean male model teased, extending his large manly hand out.

With a small gulp, you close your mouth and stand straight. Regaining your posture, you smile sweetly and take his hand. Your small, more feminine hand fitting perfectly in his. Woah, where did that thought come from? You ask yourself, in a silky manner.

"Excuse me, But I believe we haven't met? I'm sure I'd remember a face like yours." You say, professionally and confidently. Proud to be so, in front of such a mouth watering delicious-

"My apologies, I'm here because Mr Bowers has retired and I have come to....replace him. My name is Bill Skarsgård...." The tall greek god kneels as he takes your hand to his lips, leaving a longing kiss. His eyes slightly fluttering shut as he enjoyed the skin contact made.

Before you were able to reply, or ask any questions, his dazzling ice blue and forest green mixed eyes look back up to you, his lips letting go of your hand, but keeping a close distance from it.

"But You May Know Me........As Penny...Pennywise the Dancing Clown" he finished. Finally giving a face to the kind intruder you call friend.

;-; I'm back. It's all that matters.

How do you like them apples?

Hope you enjoy! Make sure to comment, vote and.....follow?

I hope you had a Fantastic Summer!

-XoXo Your Potato Author

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