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I was a HUGE fan of Pennywise. When IT came out, I couldn't express how much I fell in love with the character. The actor did a fair job, in looking good, but he wasn't scary, nor the movie. That disappointed me. Neither the less, the new Pennywise & the actor were good looking. Okay that's an understatement. He was gorgeous.

"(Y/N)! Are you listening?" Mr Strickler, my ethnicity teacher questioned. He was my favorite teacher. We just clicked in the first day of school and for 3 years I have taken his classes of ethnicity. It was a time I'd be immersed into what he'd talk about. It would be odd for me to get distracted in his class so he was suddenly worried.

I nodded, smiling at him professionally responded with "my sincere apologies Mr Strickler, would you be so kind and repeat the question? S'il vous plaît?" I added in French. Being that we were the only two people in the school who spoke French, I always took advantage over it, which added to the reason why I liked him.

He chuckled. "I was asking about page 34 on Cesar's Last Fast?" He asked again, grinning sheepishly I turned the book a few pages forward. I had blanked out for almost ten pages, shit. Mentally cussing myself out, the bell rang.

"Huh. That's all folks! Remember to finish annotating until next paragraph for homework!" The class erupted into a mess and as I was about to exit the classroom Mr Strickler called me back in.

"Ms (Y/L), mind telling me why you were distracted today? Is there something wrong mon canard?" Sighing I looked down, ashamed of the reason.

"Je fantasmais sur Pennywise, le clown des films? vous savez, c'est juste .... il est tellement mignon!" I rushed in French, not wanting any people on the hallway to know about my small-huge problem. (i was fantasizing about Pennywise, the clown from the movies? you know, it is just....he is soooo cute!)

He burst into a small smile. "You know, you should thank me for keeping this from your mother, elle serait très déçue, mon canard. Mais im un gars sympa donc je vais le laisser passer cette fois, montrez-moi à quoi il ressemble, je dois savoir ce que mon canard a distrait de sa passion." He took out his laptop and turned it to me, in order for me to look up the actor of Pennywise. I giggled and typed the familiar name that I had searched so many times.
(she would be highly disappointed, mon canard. But im a nice guy so I'll let it pass this time, show me how he looks though, i must know what's got mon canard distracted from her passion.)

Once I pressed search, the screen was filled with the extremely handsome cheekbones of the Swedish actor. The smile that scribbled on my face right away, made Mr Strickler grin.

"How old is he?" My favorite teacher hummed in curiosity. The smile that met my eyes shrunk.

"Too old for me...." I pouted. "But I still love him! If I could meet him one day- I'd hug him! Not kiss him....because one he's with Alida- another amazing Swedish actor night I add- and because I wouldn't have the guts to do it." I sighed.

"Oh well, never loose faith mon canard he is only 27, eleven years didn't stop Blake and Ryan!" He laughed and I gasped.

"You've been knowing about him?!" I growled playfully and he shrugged.

"Your mother has a voice, mon canard!" He grinned and then students started pouring in, the next class was about to start, but I had independent studies next, and last. Technically school was over for me, but I wasn't like most 'normal' girls at my age. I was a born leader, or so every adult told me. I had taken my Independent research classes to another level, monitoring how Public high school students can improve when motivated. I began a program called Youth4Presidents which was me, along with some successful adults that I contacted, volunteering to motivate and support public high school students. Did I add I was in a Private School? I obtained a scholarship to one of the greatest elite high schools and have kept it over the three years so far. Soon to be four.

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